Chapter 8- The Fall of Shuri

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(Jacks P.O.V.)

Alessa, Jack, Mary, and Paul look up into the sky to see eight bullheads flying straight toward the village. They all have the White Fang symbol on the side of them. 

Jack: Not them again. 

Alessa: I have a feeling it's not just them. 

A giant White Fang airship comes into view, equipped with giant guns and more bullheads. There are windows on the side where White Fang members are walking back and forth. White Fang soldiers are also on the top, tending to, and getting on more bullheads. 

Mary: What do we do, mom? 

Alessa: The people should be safe in the bunker. 

Jack: We can't hold this village forever. And we know it's not gonna end well for those villagers if the White Fang finds them. 

Paul: Does that bunker have an escape tunnel, or something? 

Alessa: It does. It leads to inside the Greenwood Forest. 

Paul: We need to get back there. 

Jack: Too late! Get down! 

They scatter as a bomb drops from the ship above. Striking the ground and creating a giant explosion, and a huge smoke cloud. 

The smoke cloud clears, showing Jack on top of Mary. Jack looks down at Mary. 

Jack: You okay?

Mary: Yeah. 

Jack gets off of her, feeling a lot of pain throughout his body. He looks around, looking around for Alessa and Paul. Jack stands up, picking up his sword. 

Jack: Alessa! Paul! 

Paul: Over here, little brother. 

Jack looks over at Paul, who's sitting by Alessa, who's lying motionless on the ground. Jack helps Mary up, and they walk over to Paul and Alessa. Jack helping Mary over there. 

Mary: Mom. 

Mary leaves Jack's side, kneeling down next to her mom. 

Paul: She's just unconscious. 

Paul is bleeding from his forehead and lips. 

Jack kneels down next to Paul. 

Jack: You okay, Paul? 

Paul: Yeah, I'm fine, Jackie. Nothing my aura can't handle. 

Jack looks up to see about a dozen bullheads flying down toward the torn apart village. 

Jack: We have to move. 

Mary: We can't leave her. 

Jack: We're not. You and Paul are gonna get her out of here. 

Paul: What are you going to do? 

Jack: I'm gonna stay. See how long I can hold them off. 

Paul: No, Jackie. If anyone should, it's me. I'm the bigger brother. 

Jack: You've done a lot for me ever since we were kids. Let me do something for you now. 

Paul looks at Jack. 

Jack: Paul, please. Get Mary and Alessa down to that bunker, and through that tunnel. I'll hold them off. I promise I'll come back. 

Paul: Don't make promises you can't keep, little brother. 

Mary looks at Jack. 

Mary: Jack, you can't fight them all by yourself. 

Jack: I'm gonna do my best. You three have to go. Now. 

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