Chapter 15- Control

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(No One's P.O.V.)

Vyrdyr and Jack are still in the standoff. 

Alessa is still unconscious against the wall across the room. 

Jack's eyes still glowing a deep dark blue. Water trails circling around his hands as he stares down Vyrdyr. 

Vyrdyr is staring back at Jack, the power stone glowing intensely between his fingers. 

Vyrdyr makes the first move, blasting a beam of constant purple energy at Jack, who just stands there and watches it approach him. Jack raises his right hand in front of him as the glow of his eyes intensifies, a water glyph forming in front of his palm just as the purple beam of energy makes its way to Jack. The force of the purple beam of energy gets stopped effortlessly just as it's about to make contact with Jack's hand, and the impact causes gusts of wind to start flying out of it. 

Vyrdyr looks shocked but puts more into his blast, pushing out as much force as he possibly can behind it. The more he does the more physically weaker he begins looking. The extra force he put behind the blast is proved to be meaningless as the glow of Jack's eyes intensifies even more, and the glyph in front of his hand becomes stronger as it expands, continuing to keep the purple beam of energy back. 

Jack continues speaking 

Jack: Can you see now, Vyrdyr? Look at how powerful you claim to be. And look how easily it can be made pointless. 

Vyrdyr doesn't respond, just tries to keep the purple beam of energy going. 

Jack: It's taking a toll on you, Vyrdyr. It's breaking you, taking a toll on both your mind and body. Making you weaker! I know you can feel it! 

Vyrdyr: I only see the power it gives me! 

Jack: Open your mind! Free yourself from the power and temptation of the stone! 

Vyrdyr: Nothing you say will sway me from my destiny! 

Jack: So be it, Vyrdyr.

The water glyph that emerged from Jack's palm begins glowing as he reels his hand back. The purple beam of energy begins getting sucked into the water glyph just before pushes his hand back out, replacing that purple beam of energy with a cannon-like water blast that goes flying at Vyrdyr. The water blast travels through the air with such force and speed it reaches Vyrdyr in no time, slamming him and sending him flying into the wall behind him, leaving behind a crater in the wall when he falls to the floor. 

Jack: Contrary to what you might believe, the power stone limits your power. At least it does if you're not the right person to wield it. 

Vyrdyr starts getting back up, looking up at Jack. 

Jack: In order to get the full use from power stone, you need the right amount of strength and power beforehand. Otherwise the stone will slowly take more and more out of you, until there is nothing left, and you're left there to die. Only for the stone to carry on to a new wielder, if such a situation occurred. And if that person is unfit for it as well, the cycle continues. 

Vyrdyr gets back to a vertical base, leaning on the wall, not taking his eyes off of Jack. 

Jack: I truly do not wish for this to end with one of us lying dead. But in order for that path to fail, you must realize what the stone is doing to you. I have no reason to lie to you, Vyrdyr. I have lived a life that led to peace and tranquility in my time. People were prospering. None of that could be created out of lies. Even people who look up to you and see you as a friend, if lied to too many times, will begin seeing you as a villain. 

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