Chapter 10- Followers of the Water Lord

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(No One's P.O.V.)

Paul, Jack, Alessa, Mary, and Lyn are all standing in the kitchen. 

Alessa: Who exactly are you? 

Lyn: My name is Lyn Virgos. I come from the Temple of Water. Or you may refer to it as the Monastery of the Water Lord. 

Jack: Wait, Monastery? 

Lyn: Yes, Water Lord. Every Lord has a Monastery dedicated to them. You are no exception. 

Paul: You said he has a Monastery. But, what exactly happens there? 

Lyn: First, before that, the Monastery is full of followers of the Water Lord. What happens there is actually quite simple. See, they're training. Training in martial arts. Sword fighting. Sometimes even stealth. Sometimes even guns. But guns are very rare. The Monastery is meant for peace, but ever since Vyrdyr started his atrocities, we all felt it was necessary. Especially if we were going to come to your aid, Water Lord. 

Jack: My aid? 

Lyn: We know about the evil ones army of the White Fang. There are only four of you. One of which isn't a fighter as of now. If you accept, we will help train her. 

Jack looks to Mary. She nods. He looks toward Paul, and he nods. He then looks to Alessa. 

Jack: Alessa, what do you think? 

Alessa: It's not up to me. 

Jack: Before I answer, I need to know something. 

Lyn: What is it? 

Jack: How'd you find us? 

Lyn: It was you. 

Jack: Me? 

Lyn: Yes, you. Your followers always know where you are. You're a beacon of light to us. 

Paul: Jack, I think we should do it. It would give us a fighting chance against Vyrdyr and the White Fang. And if they choose to use those bombs again to attract Grimm. We wouldn't stand a chance, even with your powers.

Jack: Okay. Let's go. 

Lyn: Very well. 

Jumping to the five of them on the bullhead, flying for the Monastery. 

Lyn: We'll be there in no time, Water Lord. Get comfortable. 

Lyn walks up into the cockpit. 

Jack sits down on the seat. Mary sits down next to him. 

Mary: What do you think the Monastery is like? 

Jack: I don't know. Probably nice. That's not exactly what's on my mind right now. 

Mary: I know, Jackie. But we need to be here. We need to be doing this. 

Jack: Yeah, I guess. 

Mary: Hey, Jack. We know what's at stake. We're gonna need the people here to help us.  

Jack: I know, Mary. But at the same time, I just feel like like we should be looking for him. What if he brings his White Fang army to a city? Or a Village? Or just anywhere? Without anyone to defend it, it's gonna fall. The people inside will suffer. 

Mary: I know. And if somewhere does get attacked, we'll know. And we'll get there as soon as we can. 

All Jack does is nod. 

Alessa: Hey! I think we're here. 

Jack and Mary stand up, walking over to the window. They look out and see the Monastery. 

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