Chapter 3- Vyrdyr

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(Jacks P.O.V.)

Paul and I are running back to the bullhead, when mid-run, I get blasted back by a fireball, and I slam through a tree. The tree falls, almost landing on me. I prop up on an elbow, looking for what just shot me. Paul runs over to me, helping me up. 

Jack: What was that?

Paul: I don't know. 

He says that while gripping the hilt of his sheathed sword, looking around. 

Paul: But I'm sure we'll find out soon. 

The two of us continue looking around, spotting nothing. Another fireball comes from our side, and Paul pushes me out of the way, dodging back himself, and the fireball flies by right in-between us. Paul and I draw our swords, looking around frantically. A lightning bolt zaps me, getting electrocuted, and I hold my stomach. Another lightning bolt comes at me, but Paul puts his sword out, electricity raising to the tip of it, and absorbing the lightning bolt. 

Jack: Thanks. 

Out of nowhere, a person comes from above landing right beside us, and he pushes out a wave of wind. The wind carries Paul and I back, tumbling across the ground. I'm the first to stand up, readying my sword in case he tries anything again. Paul stands up, joining by my side, also readying his sword. Getting a good look at the guy now, he's wearing a red cape and hood, and he's wearing what appears to be a monk outfit. 

Paul: Who are you? 

The man only smiles, blasting lightning from his hands at us. Paul steps forward, putting his hand out, absorbing as much electricity as he can. Eventually, I can tell it's becoming too much for him to handle, and the guy puts more force into the lightning blasts, making them stronger. The stronger lightning blasts send Paul flying backwards, behind me. I look back at Paul, before focusing my attention back at the guy. 

Jack: You're getting on my nerves. 

The guy smiles some more. 

???: You're better than that. I can sense it. 

Jack: You sense nothing! 

I start running at him, until a gust of wind picks me up into the air, and the guys hand glows red, a fire blast hitting me in the stomach, carrying me into the ground, creating a small crater where I land. I prop on an elbow, seeing Paul going for the guy with his sword, and the guy flicks his palm, a blast of wind hitting Paul in the side, sending him tumbling and landing next to me. The guy starts approaching us, when a bullhead is seen flying above, coming straight here. The guy notices it, and flees through a portal just as the bullhead lands. Ozpin and Glynda step off of the bullhead, walking over to us. Paul and I stand up, sheathing our swords. 

Ozpin: Before either of you say anything, we'll talk in my office. 

We both nod, boarding the bullhead, and flying back to Beacon. We arrive back in Ozpins office. Ozpin sits in his chair at his desk, Glynda stands beside him, and Paul and I stand in front of his desk. 

Ozpin: Now, what happened over there?

Jack: Paul, give him the file. 

Paul throws the file about the White Fang and Vyrdyr at Ozpin. 

Paul: Apparently the White Fang found a business partner. 

Ozpin: Vyrdyr. 

Jack: We were hoping you knew who he was. 

Ozpin: Vaguely. He's what's known as an elemental. Which means he can control the elements, or, the ones he trained for. From what I know, he knows how to control the elements of water, fire, wind, and electricity. 

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