Chapter 5- Keeping Watch

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(Jacks P.O.V.)

I'm standing in darkness, looking around. 

Jack: Hello? Hello? 

Both of those hellos echo into the darkness. 

Jack: Anyone?! 

Again, the word just echoes into the darkness. I begin walking through the darkness, obviously seeing nothing, barely able to see where my feet are even if I'm looking down at them. 

Jack: This isn't right. I know I'm dreaming. But, how do I get out? How do I wake up? 

I look as suddenly a door of light appears a couple of feet away from me. I walk slowly, carefully toward it, and as I approach it, it disappears. I jolt when it does, but I don't wake up. I stay right where I am, surrounded completely by darkness again. 

???: This is your fate. I shall snuff out all hopes of light, surround you in darkness as I kill everyone you love and care about. And you'll have some time to comprehend it, as your entire life becomes full of darkness, before I end your existence. None of you will live. 

A shock of lightning comes my way, and I jolt awake in my bed, still at Mary's and Alessa's house. Sweating, breathing heavily, and I sigh in relief. 

Jack: It was just a dream. But it didn't feel like it. 

I throw the covers of off myself, sitting on the edge of the bed, and I grab the belt that has my sword sheathe. I stand up, putting it on, sheathing my sword, and I wipe off the last bit of sweat off my forehead. I put on my shirt, then my hoodie. I walk out of the bedroom, down the hall, and into the kitchen, where Paul, Mary, and Alessa already are. Paul and Mary eating breakfast. Mary notices me. 

Mary: Jack! 

Paul turns around in his chair, looking at me. 

Paul: You're finally awake. 

Jack: Admittedly, it was the best sleep I've gotten in a while. 

Paul: Yeah, I hear you. Anyways, come sit. Alessa has something to tell us. 

I sit down, Alessa putting a plate of food in front of me, and she sits down at the table too. I pick up a fork and knife, beginning to cut my pancakes and take bites. 

Mary: Mom, tell them. 

Alessa: I will. So, Jack and Paul, you asked me to help you take down Vyrdyr. I initially turned you down, but I was convinced. 

Paul and I look at each other, shrugging our shoulders before I look at Mary. 

Jack: You? 

Mary nods. 

Alessa: Mary convinced me to do something I shouldn't have hesitated to say yes to. Vyrdyr is a threat, I know, and I'm gonna help you both. The best I can. 

Paul: Ozpin said you and his other teammates could beat him. The only ones at that. 

Alessa: There are more who could. 

Jack: What do you mean? 

Alessa looks at Mary, who just stares at her before she looks back at me and Paul. 

Alessa: They're called the Lords. Some of the most powerful people in the world.

Jack: Why don't we just go look for them?

Alessa: That's the problem. There are Lords out there, but no one knows where. A Lord can be anyone, anywhere in the world, and we'd never know. 

Paul: Do they follow like certain elements?

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