Chapter 6- N.E.B.

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(Jack's P.O.V.)

Mary and I are behind her house, standing opposite each other. I unsheathe my sword. 

Jack: Now, Mary, do you have any experience with a sword whatsoever? 

Mary: When you first arrived, I was fighting those Grimm with a sword. 

Jack: That bad, huh? 

I walk over to her.

Jack: Show me your stance. 

Mary: What?

Jack: Just hold you sword like you're about to fight something. 

Mary holds the sword with her two hands, holding it in front of her. 

Jack: How'd you know to do that?

Mary: I watched you do it. Is it a good form? 

Jack: It's a perfectly good form. 

Mary smiles. 

Jack: Okay, now take a swing. Get some power behind it. 

Mary swings the sword with both hands, the force pushing her forward, stumbling trying not to fall. I catch her before she can fall, and she drops her sword to the ground. She sighs in relief, looking up at me. 

Mary: Thanks. 

Jack: You good? 

Mary: Yeah... I am. 

I help her stand back up, picking up her sword and handing it to her. 

Jack: Okay, since that happened, take a swing at me. 

Mary: A swing at you? 

Jack: You'll have an actual target this time. And if you do the same thing as that, I'll be here to catch you again. 

Mary: Oh, boy. 

Jack: Just swing, but try to make it better than the previous one. It kind of sucked. 

Mary: Yeah, yeah. 

Jack: Whenever you're ready.

I back up from her a couple of feet.

Mary: I thought it was a swing, not a full blown charge. 

Jack: It gives you some time to do something, psych me out.

Mary: Yeah, like I'm going to psych you out.

Jack: Oh, just give it a try.  

Mary sighs while looking down, and I can tell she loosens her grip on the sword. She looks at me again, and I can tell she tightened her grip on her sword again. I ready my sword for defense, watching her running up to me. Mary reaches me and she swings her sword at me. I side step, blocking her swing, and she stumbles forward falling on to the ground. I sheathe my sword, walking over to Mary, and I extend my hand down to her.  Mary takes it and I help her up. 

Jack: You okay?

Mary: Yeah, fine. 

She starts catching her breath. 

Mary: This type of stuff is hard. How do you do it?

Jack: It's not easy, believe me. Once you get it down, it's one of the greatest feelings. The hard part is maintaining it. 

Mary: Oh boy. 

Jack: Yeah. Making a difference isn't easy work. You have to be prepared to put everything into it, even if it gives nothing back. It's a life-long duty. It's like a terms of service thing, or a contract. 

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