*°•[Little Detectives: Chapter 5]•°*

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"Addison Tea, please and thank you!" I sung out as I knocked on 103. Soon enough, a tea cup was slid through the mail slot and into my hands.

"Thank you, Mr. Addison. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!" I said before turning around and facing Sal.

"Is that stuff any good?" He asked me, slight curiosity in his voice.

"It's not really for me, but hey, you might like it." I said as I walked away from the door back to the elevator, Sal tagging behind me.

"Hm, maybe I'll try it one day."

We stepped into the elevator for what felt like the 100th time today and ascended up the second floor. My nerves started to get to me again as I thought about having to confront Charley.

I took a deep breath and steadied my trembling hands. It would be a shame if I spilled the tea before even making it to Charley's apartment. The elevator dinged once again, and off Sal and I went.

I gulped and knocked one the door to 204, anxiously waiting for a response.

Suddenly, a gruff voice spoke up from behind it. "Who's there?"

"Charley? It's me, (Y/N) and the new tenant from 402." My voice was a little quieter than usual.

"Oh, okay. Come in, then." He replied after an awkward pause.

Sal and I exchanged quick glances at each other before he pushed open the door and stepped inside. I almost immediately held my breath as we walked further into the apartment. It smelled like ass in here. That mixed with Charley's unbelievably strong body oder was enough to make me gag.

I gripped onto the cup in my hands tighter as we stepped closer to Charley.

"Good to see you again, (Y/N)." Charley suddenly spoke, breaking the silence. I gulped and stared him in the eyes. I nodded at him. He smiled creepily at me, his eyes creasing as his cheeks lifted up. I watched as his pupils flicked from my face to my lips. Then lower, to my neck and collar bone. They trailed further down to my chest and stopped at my thighs.

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Here, we brought you something." I said trying to turn his attention away from my body. I stepped forward, handing him the cup of tea.

His smile grew wider which made me want to throw up even more. Without saying anything, he reached forward and grabbed the cup, his large hands lingering on mine for a second too long. His fingers felt so greasy and grimy, as if he had only been eating lays potato chips for the past month and a half. I quickly pulled my hands away from his and stepped back so I was standing next to Sal again.

Charley still locked his eyes with mine. "Aw, you know me so well, sugar bear. Such a sweet, adorable little girl you are." He licked his lips, and his eyes trailed down my body again. The nickname made me want to cry. God, I hated him with every fiber in my being.

Sensing the tension in the air, Sal spoke up. "Hey, I'm the new tenant who just moved here. Nice to meet you." My eyes flickered to Sal for a quick second before I redirected my attention to Charley.

"Good God, what's wrong with your face, kid?" He said rudely.

"Actually, it's a prosthetic." I said before Sal had the chance to respond.

"Oh. Well anyways, what did you kids want?" He asked. He then gulped down the tea, passing out for maybe a couple of seconds. I swore this man had a serious case of narcolepsy. "Sorry, must have fallen asleep there for a second."

"It's fine. But (Y/N) was showing me around the apartments and introducing me to the neighbors. Also I wanted to see your pony collection." Sal said. He glanced up at me and I gave him a weak smile back.

Charley's eyes seemed to light up at the mention of his glitter pony collection. It just made me cringe.

"Oh, really? Well..." He started rambling on and on about the different ones he had but I zoned him out. My eyes scanned the shelf looking for one covered in blood. I looked up at the top shelf, and low and behold, there it was. It was a small pink pony. To be completely honest, it kind of freaked me out.

I nudged Sal with my elbow and nodded up to the top shelf. He nodded at me then turned back to Charley.

"Nice collection you've got here. Well, I'd love to stay and talk more but (Y/N) and I need to get moving if we want to meet everyone before it gets dark." Sal said.

I smiled to myself at this. I couldn't be more happy to leave that godforsaken apartment.

"Aw, so soon?" Charley whined. I gritted my teeth together at his sickly sweet tone.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. We'll be back though, I still have some questions about some of your ponies." I lied. We still we're going to have to come back to get that pony.

Charley finally let us go and as soon as we stepped in the hallway, I pressed myself up against the nearest wall. I slid down to the floor, hugging my knees to my chest. That entire encounter was enough to send me into a mental breakdown, but I held it together.

"Hey, are you okay? That man was a real creep back there." Sal asked me, his eyes glinting with a hint of concern.

"I'm fine. I've been through... a lot worse than that." I replied. Sighing, I stood up again, dusting myself off.

"Alright, if you say so. Also, did you notice how Charley fell asleep after drinking the tea? I can slip some of my dad's sleeping pills and put them in the tea. That should give us enough time to get the evidence and leave."

"Oh, wow. Sal Fisher, I think you're a genius." I smiled at him.

-Time skip because I'm lazy and don't feel like writing this part

Today had been quite... hectic to say the least. After Sal and I turned in the evidence, I decided to go back to my apartment. I was so drained from everything that all I could think about was taking a hot bath and going to sleep.

Of course when I came back in so late, my sister wasn't happy. She didn't lecture me though, I had already been through enough.

I grabbed a slice of cake then headed to the bathroom to set up my bath. My sister always had the bathroom stocked with bathbombs and towels so I didn't bother getting anything else.

I filled the tub up with some hot water. I dropped a bathbomb in and waited for it to fizz out. I set the slice of cake down on the sink's counter. I then undressed and hopped into the bathtub.

I sighed, feeling my lungs contract as I inhaled again. This felt nice. Leaning back, I exhaled, my back resting against the wall of the shower. I took this time to relax, something I didn't get to do often.

I thought about today and the new friend I made. I thought about the neighbor I lost, the creepy man who always harassed me finally going to jail where he belonged.

But then again, knowing the police force here and Charley's involvement with some of the..."darker" aspects of this town, he probably wouldn't get a real sentence. Thinking about that left a bitter taste in my mouth.

I stared down at the bubbles that floated on top of the water. I swear one day I'll leave this disgusting place.

[A/N: Hi! If you haven't already, please read the updated book summary. I included some important trigger warnings as well as some other bits of info. Anyway, thank you for reading!]

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