Some things

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Hey, so I realllllyyyy didn't want to post another authors note, especially not back to back, but I feel like I owe y'all an explanation as to why I haven't updated.

Nothings been going on really, I wrapped up sophomore year in Highschool, and was just dealing with your typical teenage bullshit. Over time, I lost interest in sally face and writing this fic. I also started to feel as though my writing became dry and I didn't really know how to carry out certain scenes without making them too boring. However, after a recent breakup, my interest in Sally Face has come back 10x stronger and I even bought the game recently. But with all that being said, I have some good news for y'all!

You're quite strange is not going to be discontinued. I put too much thought into this plot and honestly it's too good for me to just not finish lol. I'll be posting this fic on ao3 as well as continuing to post updates here. I will be rewriting some (maybe all depending on what my adhd brain allows for) chapters on ao3 as well, so if you guys want to read the updated chapters on there you can.

As far as updates and an update schedule, I can't make any promises. I write whenever I feel like it and sometimes writers block beats the black off me. I'll try to be consistent, and hold a schedule of every Saturday (if not Saturday, then Sunday).

Also, a tiny lil tangent, and no shade to other fic writers, but smth that turns me off on a SF fanfic is the excessive use of drugs and drinking the characters do. Especially when they introduce pills and whatnot, like I'm 90% sure the gang was NOT snorting crack and going to loud ass house parties, that just doesn't seem like them. Esp since they're supposed to be freshmen in Highschool like cmon y'all 😭😭

Anyway, that's all for now lol, I'll be rereading this fic so I can actually remember wtf I was writing about lol. Bye luvs 💜💜

Oh also have this drawing I did of Sal 🥰

Oh also have this drawing I did of Sal 🥰

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You're Quite Strange [Sal Fisher x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now