*°•[Sparks: Chapter 13]•°*

982 30 13

CW!!! Brief mentions of blood and cuts

[Y/N]'s P.O.V

The room glowed with an orange hue thanks to the candles propped up in each corner. The brick walls were damp and the air was thick with the smell of mildew.

My chest was tight, and it burned when I breathed. Coughing, I tried to pull my arm up to my mouth, but was held back by some sort of restraint.

My eyes widened with realization, and my heart beat quickened. I panicked, hastily trying to move my legs to escape the shackles. The moment I moved though, I winced in pain. There was a searing pain that stretched down my back and through my legs.

Looking down, I saw that my legs were covered in deep cuts, blood seeping from the wounds. Then the sound of heavy footsteps flooded my ears. A voice called out "(Y/N)"



Anything but that.


I came to, my eyes shooting open and frantically scanning my environment.

"Hey! It's just me, Sal. Is everything okay?" His voice rang out, laced with concern.

"Wh- Huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah I'm alright. This place just... Gives me the creeps." I sighed, collecting myself.

We were up on the 5th floor now. It had been a while since I've been up here. I looked around the dark hallway, taking note of all the debris. Signs hung off doors, paint and wallpaper warped and peeled off, and worst of all, the stench.

It smelled dank and old, like walking into an old abandoned library. In addition, there was barely any light up here, and the only way I could see something was because I had my phone with me.

I huffed. Why did I even agree to this in the first place? We walked further down the hall, the floor boards creaking beneath our feet.

"Closed for renovation my ass. This place is literally falling apart." I grumbled.

Sal chuckled. "Yeah, I don't know why Mr. Addison thought that was going to fool anyone. How long has it been like this?"

"For as long as I've been here, I think. I've only been on this floor like twice before and that was when I was really young."

"Ohhh, ok. By the way, you know the ghost in the bathroom that Todd was talking about?"

"Mhm. Were you guys able to summon it?" I asked.

"Yeah. He wasn't able to talk much. Mostly just cried. But get this, right as we were about to get some more info from him, this shadowy thing appeared. The guy got scared so he left." His pigtails bobbed up and down as he talked.

"A shadowy thing? Elaborate, please."

"Yeah. I couldn't really get a good look at it, but it was like black and had red eyes."

"Oh. Wow, that's.... That sounds crazy."

Sal nodded. "But after that, Todd said that he was gonna research the apartments. So we should have more answers after this."

"Alright." I sighed.

Sal motioned towards the door of apartment 504. I nodded, and he opened the door. Immediately, I was overwhelmed with a sense of dread.

Something was incredibly wrong with this apartment. I clutched the bundle of sage in my pocket as we entered.

"I usually talk to Megan in the bathroom, so prepare yourself cause it kind of reeks in there." Sal quipped, leaning his head back to look at me.

"It can't be that bad. I've probably smelt worse." I shrugged.


I have not smelt worse. I gagged as soon as the stench from the bathroom hit my nose. The odor was thick and foul, heavy with mildew and mold. Kinda smelt like ass, too. And good God it was sour, spoiled almost. It was like opening a jug of 5 month old expired milk.

"See? I told ya." Sal laughed at me.

"Fuck you and this raggedy ass bathroom." I grumbled, flipping him off with one hand and covering my nose with the other.

He only laughed at me harder. I glared daggers at him.

"The fuck do you even have to do for a room to smell like this?"

"Renovate it." Sal choked out.

I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, you got jokes. Can we just talk to the girl already cause I really don't wanna be in here for longer than I have to."

"Yeah, sure." He let out one final snort before calling out to the ghost child.

It was silent for a bit. An eerie chill ran up my spine as we waited. Nothing happened, so he used his gear boy.

Suddenly, what appeared to be a mass of flesh arose from the ground, wriggling and writhing until it morphed into the shape of a little girl with lavender colored hair. I almost puked.

"Oh great heavens." I whispered, eyes blown wide and mouth slightly agape.

"Hey, Megan. This is my friend, (Y/N). We wanna ask you some things."

[A/N: lordt have murthy. Ion even have an excuse as to why this chapter is so short 💀 I realized I need to go back and do a lot more research on SF before I continue this book because I'm leaving out a lot of details. Anyway, y'all should totally listen to Kon Queso by MF DOOM. Aight bye 💞]

You're Quite Strange [Sal Fisher x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now