*°•[Back to Hell: Chapter 6]•°*

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[A/N: Btw, I forgot to mention that this fanfic takes place in modern times. I know SF originally takes place in the 90's, but I feel like this would be more relatable if it was in 2020 or something lol. Also corona doesn't exist in this universe.]

(Y/N)'s POV

Winter break felt a lot longer than it actually was. I was glad that Sal and Larry had hit it off. Often when I would go down to hang out with Larry, Sal was almost always there. But now that winter break was over, it was finally time to go back to school.

I absolutely despised Nockfell High. The teachers were homophobic pieces of shit, the kids were judgemental idiots, and the school lunch made me want to regurgitate everything I'd ever eaten. At least my reputation in school was actually pretty decent. I was more worried about Sal, though. I knew how the people here could be, and I didn't want him to deal with the same shit he dealt with at his old school here.


I waited outside at the bus stop with Todd. Todd and I were always the first ones outside in the morning, Larry and Chug usually showing up at the last 5 minutes. I scrolled through TikTok on my phone, liking random videos. Todd looked over my shoulder, watching some with me.

"(Y/N), your for you page sometimes concerns me." He said bluntly as a video of some random guy twerking to the beat of someone farting played. I laughed, turning my phone off and shoving it in my pocket.

"Nah, you just don't understand my humor." I smiled, turning to face Todd.

"Your humor is extremely broken, (Y/N)." He deadpanned.

"Shut up, you laugh at people moaning." I said as I playfully punched him in the side.

"Hey guys!" I heard a voice speak up from a little distance away. I turned around to see Sal running up to us, hiking his backpack further up.

I smiled at him. "Hey broski. What's up?"

He stopped in front of me, tightening his grip on his backpack straps. "I'm a little bit anxious, to be honest. But I should be alright, I have you guys with me." His voice was shakey, but optimistic.

"Glad to see you're excited, Sal." Todd spoke up from behind me. His eyes lifted slightly at the corners, so I assumed he was smiling.
Eventually, Larry and Chug showed up, and as usual, the bus arrived about 5 minutes later.

We all got on, me in front, Sal behind me, then Todd, Larry and Chug. Almost immediately, people were staring at Sal. Some were looks of fear, others disgust. We made it to the back, and Sal sat next to me while Larry sat next to Chug. Todd went to go sit with Neil.

I could still feel people staring at Sal, and to be honest, it pissed me off. I decided to start some conversation to ease Sal's nerves.

"Hey, Sal, did I ever give you my number?" I asked, shifting my body so I could face him.

He looked up at me. "Huh? Oh, no, I don't think so."

"Damn, guess I forgot. You want me to give it to you now?"

"Um, sure. Give me a second." He said, reaching into his bag and pulling out his phone. After a couple of seconds, he handed it to me.

I smiled at his background, it was one of these aesthetically pleasing backgrounds. The ones that were like a collage of different pictures. All of his widgets were custom with a blue border around all of them. It was cute.

I opened his contacts and added my number. "I like your wallpaper, it's very nice."

"Thank you! I made it myself." His tone was a little more excited.

"Really? I always wanted to be able to make them, I just don't know how." I chuckled.

We chatted for a bit longer until the bus arrived at school. I stood up, hiking my backpack up. Slowly, everyone got off and we walked towards the front doors of the school.

"Hey, Sal, so what do you think of Nockfell so far?" I asked.

He turned his attention from Larry who he was talking to before me.

"Hm, well it's definitely interesting. I haven't really explored much, though."

"Yeah, this town is definitely on the weirder side. But I'm glad you're starting to feel comfortable here."

He nodded at me, an awkward silence settling in between the two of us. We stayed quiet, listening to the busy chatter of our friends around us. I chewed on the inside of my cheek, debating whether I should say something or not. Finally, I decided to speak up.

"Hey, if you want me to, I can take you to the office so you can get your schedule." I suggested. For whatever reason I was scared to leave him alone. I didn't want to seem over bearing, but I just felt like I should protect him.

"No, it's okay. I can go by myself. Thank you though." He said. I was a little disappointed, but I couldn't force him to let me take him. I nodded and turned to look ahead of me.

"Alrighty. Guess I'll have to see what classes you have later." I said before walking off to my locker.


After history, I had lunch. So far, none of my classes had Sal in them, which made me feel a little uneasy. I was worried about him because I knew the kids in this school were assholes. I chewed on my lip, anxious to see him and finally ask him how his day had been going so far.

I walked down the hallways towards the cafeteria, clutching my lunch box. I walked in, searching for our usual table. I recognized Todd and Ash sitting down so I rushed over to where they sat.

"Hey guys! Where's the rest of the group?" I asked, setting my lunch box down in front of me and unzipping it.

"Hey, (Nickname)! They're in line getting their food. I have ISS so I won't be able to stay that long." Ashely said, turning her body to face me.

"Of course you do." I chuckled. Ashley rolled her eyes at me before standing up.

"These teachers just don't like me. Anyways, I gotta get going, see you around!" She said before walking off.

I let out a soft laugh. I picked up my sandwich and took a bite. The rest of the group finally walked over and Larry sat on my other side while Sal sat in front of me.

We talked for a bit and Sal showed me his schedule. We had ELT together, and I shared my last 2 periods with him. I smiled at that.

"So, anything interesting happen today?" I asked now that everyone was here.

This time, Chug spoke up. "Yeah. Today in Math Travis kept glaring at Sal, called him a freak and everything." He rolled his eyes towards the end of the sentence.

I groaned. "Typical Travis. He's just mad because Sal already has friends and he has yet to find someone who'll put up with his bullshit."

The group laughed

"I mean, I don't really mind it. I'm used to this by now." Sal said, taking a bite of his food.

"Just because you're used to it doesn't mean you have to put up with it." I said.

Larry nodded in agreement. "Yeah, dude! If you need me to beat someone's ass, don't hesitate to call me." He laughed.

"Yeah, sure" Sal smiled.

[A/N: Ahhhh I'm sorry!!! I haven't updated in forever lmfao. My mom took my phone because I told her I didn't want to go to the Jehovah Witness' Memorial for Jesus. I'm literally pagan lol. Anyway, this chapter didn't come out the way I wanted to, but hopefully I'll get back on track soon. Anyways, hope you enjoyed, see you guys soon!]

You're Quite Strange [Sal Fisher x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now