°*[Detective Fisher: Chapter 16]*°

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"Dude, isn't that a bit far fetched?" Larry queried. "Plus there's like, a huge time gap in between those two events."

"Wait, just hear me out. You said your dad just disappeared one day, and it's the same for (Y/N). People just don't go missing like that, especially not in the same area." Sal pushed.

"I don't know, man. This feels like a bit much."

"Okay, then let's make a deal. We can look up the missing persons files at Todd's, and if we don't find anything, I'll drop it? I just feel like something fishy is going on man."

Larry thought for a moment, staying silent as he did so. His long fingers tugged on the bands of leather that adorned his wrists. "Alright. I trust you enough, and if you think- and I mean really think this will help me find my dad then I'm down. Just promise to not bring this up with (N/N) and we have a deal."

"I swear I won't. My only intentions are to help." Sal reassured his brunette friend as he reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. Larry smiled at the gesture.

"Thanks bro."

The boys headed up to the second floor, a silence befallen onto them. As the mechanical whirs of the old elevator echoed out into the small space, both of their minds were brimming with anxious anticipation. Sal's suggestion that the disappearances might've been related was interesting to Larry, and he didn't doubt that the possibility that something was going on behind the scenes. When his Dad was still here, he didn't seem all too fond of your parents, but he never found out why. From what he could tell, they didn't interact with each other much.

The elevator opened to Todd's floor and the pair made their way down the hall. Sal reached up, knocking his knuckles against the door. The two exchanged glances before shuffling was heard behind the door. It opened, ginger hair and thick circular lenses greeted them.

"Hello Sal, hello Larry. You came just in time, I found some more information on Sal's ghost friend." Todd said.

"Oh, really? That's sick, thanks Todd. We were wondering if we could take a peek at some of the other missing persons reports from around town too if that's okay?" Sal replied. The red headed boy nodded, opening the door for the pair to come in.

"Sure, I don't see why not. Did you find something else?" He asked.

"Something like that." Todd hummed in response, leading the boys to his room. His computer was on, a soft electrical whirring sound emitting from it. The screen was riddled with multiple windows of text and photos, one with a picture of Megan from when she was alive.

"A day after the original was filed, an update was posted. It says here that she and her parents were found dead in Wendigo Lake, a few miles south of here. They fell in after some sort of 'mudslide'."

"Hm, that's odd. She didn't mention anything about being at the lake when I last talked to her, guess I'll have to ask her again later."

"I think that would be wise. Now, who else do you want me to research?" Todd asked, pushing his lenses further up the bridge of his nose.

"Oh, uh, we were wondering if we could look at the reports for (Y/N)'s parents?" Sal answered. Todd raised a brow at his masked friend, a questioning look in his eyes.

"Oh, yes, I remember when they first disappeared. It took the town by surprise since both her parents were prevalent figures in the town."

"Yeah, her mom used to be one of the administrators at our school. A lot of the kids liked her, so people were bummed when she stopped showing up. I think her dad worked as a head mechanic at the nearby auto store or something." Larry added.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 26 ⏰

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