*°•[The Wretched Pt. 2: Chapter 10]•°*

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"Wait, I'm sorry, I should've asked. Are you okay with paranormal investigation?" Sal asked, his eyes scanning over me.

I glanced at him, his hands were fidgeting with the toy in his hands.

"I- Well, it's a bit difficult to explain. It's better if you were to step inside for a bit." I say, motioning back to my apartment door. He looked at me hesitantly, then nodded lightly.

I pushed the door back open, making my way back to my room.

"(Your nickname)! I was just looking for you." Viola interrupted.

"Oh, hey Vee. Me and Sal are getting ready to head out." I replied.

Viola glanced back at Sal, then shifted her gaze to me again. "Hey, Sal, mind if I steal (Y/N) real quick?."

"Oh, not at all! Go ahead." He stammered. I chuckled at his sudden nervousness.

Viola flashed him a toothy smile, then pulled me into the kitchen. Her demeanor quickly changed as soon as Sal was out of sight.

"You remember what we talked about yesterday, right?" She asked, her tone stern.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. About 'him', right?"

She nodded, then reached into her jacket pocket.

"I made this last night before I went to bed. I made one for myself, and Sal too."

I looked her over, my brows furrowing.

"Why for Sal?"

"I did a reading, to be safe, y'know? Spirit says that Sal is going to need our help somewhere along the line and I'd rather start now than later."

I nodded and took the items from my sister. It was a small glass vial tied to a brown cord, making a cute necklace. I rolled it between my fingers, examining it further. It looked like it had some herbs, clear quartz and black tourmaline pieces, and some sort of liquid. I knew exactly what this was.

"Protection spell?" I asked, looking back at Viola.

"Mhmm. Now go, give Sal this one. Oh also, have fun on your little date." She teased while pointing to the other glass vile in my hand.

"Wh- it's not-"

"Bye little sis!"

And just like that, I was left alone in the kitchen by myself. I turned around and walked back out to our living room, finding Sal seated on our couch. He seemed pre-occupied, toying with his gaming device while he waited for me to finish talking to my sister.


Sal's eyes landed on my face. I nodded towards my room and he quickly got up, making his way beside me.

I opened the door to my room, stepping inside. I noticed that Sal was hesitating, so I turned to face him.

"You okay?" I asked.

He looked up at me, and blinked a couple of times. "Hm? Oh! Yeah, I'm fine. Your room just looks really cool."

My eyes widened, surprised at the sudden compliment. "Aw thanks! Its actually a bit messy right now, but I appreciate it." I said smiling.

I watched him as he entered my room, looking at the walls that were covered in posters and vinyls.

His hands traced over the faux vines that hung from the walls. The way he was so concentrated on my room decor made me a little self conscious. I cleared my throat awkwardly.

"Okay, to answer your question."

"Oh, yeah. Nearly forgot about that, heh." He said lightly. My gaze met his and for a split second, any tension that was between us seemed to vanish.

"Right. Can you promise not to, like, freak out?"

"Yeah, of course! Go ahead." He said calmly. I smiled softly at him, appreciating the judgement free atmosphere he created.

"Okay, so, I'm a witch. I practice and study Magick, as well as divination. I also study astronomy, but that's more of a hobby." I explained, growing a bit embarrassed.

"So yeah, not only do I believe in the paranormal, but I work with spirits and things."

Sal looked amazed, still looking around my room at all the different trinkets that laid here and there.

"Wow, this is great actually. So did you know that these apartments are haunted or...?"

"Yeah, no, they most definitely are," I laughed. "They've been haunted ever since I can remember, maybe even before that."

"Woah. Have you talked to any of the ghosts here?" He asked, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

I shook my head. "No, I haven't. But I have interacted with a few. I was really young when it happened though so I can't tell you much. Anyways, why did you need my help?"

"Oh, yeah. I've been talking to this ghost girl named Megan, but she hasn't been coming out lately. I was going to ask Larry to come with me, but he had to help his mom. He said I should talk to you, then maybe visit Todd to see if he can help, too."

"Hmm, alright. Where is this 'Megan' girl, anyways?"

"Fifth floor, apartment 504." He said.

I gulped. That was directly above my apartment.

"Alright. If we're going to be heading up to the fifth floor, I need to bring a couple things with me." I said, moving around Sal to my dresser.

I fished around in one of the drawers, grabbing a bundle of sage and a lighter.

"Alright, we're off to Todd's, right?" I asked, shoving the items into my pocket and leading Sal out of my apartment.


[A/N: *cutely takes several months to update* OMG IM SO SORRY YALL IVE BEEN SO BUSY BEING A STUDENT I ALMOST FORGOT I HAD A SALLY FACE FANFIC 💀💀💀💀 BUT! I'm back now, and I'm back for good! So sorry this chapter was shorter than usual, but I'd rather post something short than have y'all wait another 5 months lol. I'm gonna start working on the next chapter immediately and might even write a short little non-canon Christmas chapter, we'll see. Anyways, that's all for now. Keep reading, and stay sharp!]

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