Part 1

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"Please understand" Namjoon begged. His fingers wrapped around your wrist as his eyes melted, pleading with you.

"Namjoon, I can't understand! You're willing to throw our relationship away to get a better friendship with your ex-girlfriend?" you asked. Namjoon sighed and you almost slapped him. You didn't know what combination of words you would need to say that would show him how stupid he sounded.

"Our relationship is solid and I know that. My relationship with her is on the rocks. I just want to make things right with her" he explained.

"Our relationship is solid? Namjoon, look at what we're arguing about! You expect me to watch that demented girl fondle you and be all peachy about it?" you shouted at him.

"____..." Namjoon sighed. You rolled your eyes and removed his hand from your wrist before storming out of the back room.


You grabbed a full cup from the table, not caring what was inside. You drunk it straight down, looking up at the ceiling as the liquid slid down your throat. "Whoa, ___, bad night?" someone asked from behind you. You ignored them, grabbing another cup. Namjoon walked out and a few of his friends immediately embraced him, joking around and wishing him a "Happy Birthday".

"Seriously, ___. Maybe you should slow down on the drinks" that person interjected again. You turned around quickly and the steam immediately started rising from your head.

"Get away from me" you responded icily.

"There's no reason to be angry with me. I didn't touch you" she said. Your eyes bored into hers and she finally took the message, walking away. You watched her move away from you, her walk full of confidence and precision. It made you sick. You downed the rest of your drink and watched as the she-witch made her way to Namjoon's side. He smiled at her and gave her a hug. His eyes made contact with yours and he still had that begging look to him. You looked away and grabbed another cup.

"I really didn't expect there to be so many people" Taehyung said, taking a sip from his drink. Jungkook didn't respond, his mind too busy trying to remember how many drinks you'd had. Leave it to Namjoon's pre-debut friends to bring alcohol to an alcohol-free birthday party.

You watched as his ex-girlfriend, the "she-witch", and Namjoon's new "BFF" draped her arm around his shoulders. She flashed you a smile and your grip tightened on your red cup, a small drop falling from the cup. You knocked back the rest of its contents, wincing at the slight burn. "Where is Yoongi? ___ has been drinking more than usual" Jungkook said. Taehyung stood on his toes, trying to look through the flood of people.

"I don't know. He was out here a few minutes ago." Jungkook sighed as you threw your cup on the ground and walked off. He shoved his cup into Taehyung's hand and quickly pushed through the people. By the time he moved to the space that he'd last seen you, you were nowhere to be found.

He decided to just walk straight, hoping that you would be trying to get away from the loud, mind-numbing music. As he started walking down the hallway, he saw a door close on his right-hand side and ran to it. "___?" he said, opening the door and popping his head in. You were standing against the wall, your arms crossed, and a single tear making its way down your cheek.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked, closing the door. The music was nothing more than a blurred noise now.

You shook your head, a sad smile forming. You shrugged and exhaled, a few more tears falling. "Would you ditch your girlfriend to become friends with your ex?" you asked, looking at him.

"Hyung is doing that?" Jungkook asked in disbelief. You sniffled and that was enough of a response for Jungkook. He was silent before moving closer to you. He didn't want to touch you, afraid that it would be misinterpreted later. Jungkook had always found you attractive and, being that you were his friend's girlfriend, he always tried to keep a safe distance. You and Jungkook had never been that close. You were friends, sure, but not best friends like you and Yoongi.

"Uh, trust me, ___, Namjoon loves you. He's being really stupid right now but he still loves you more than anything" Jungkook said. You sighed and hugged him, taking him by surprise. He stood still, a little stiff.

"Then why does he care so much about what she thinks?" you asked. Jungkook didn't have an answer for that.

'Damn, I'm not good at this. Where is Yoongi?' he thought to himself.

Not knowing what to say, Jungkook just held you tight and rested his chin on the top of your head. You sniffled and pulled away to wipe your face.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be dumping all of my problems on you. You don't deserve that torture" you said, smiling as you wiped your eyes.

"I wanted to help" he said. He had to give it to you: you were a pretty strong girl. To be able to make a joke while you feel like crap was a skill. To watch your boyfriend act like an idiot and choose not to rip his head off was a greater skill. "No matter what, ___, you're going to get through this. You're strong" he said. You smiled and blinked away the last tear.

"Thanks" you said, grabbing his wrist gently. A silence stretched between the two of you and Jungkook could feel danger coming. His brain was telling him to leave but his feet were glued to the ground. Jungkook watched as your eyes occasionally dropped to his lips and his heart began beating out of his chest. 'It's time to go. I need to leave' Jungkook told himself.

"You're welcome" he breathed, unable to control his head from bending down. You met him half-way, gently pressing your lips to his. After the first kiss, the air around the two of you was electrically charged. Jungkook sighed against your lips, a silent, "fuck it" reigning over his thoughts. It wasn't long after that before you wrapped your tongue around his.

Jungkook almost moaned as you sexily sucked on his tongue. His hand grabbed the side of your neck, pulling you in harder against him. The kiss was sloppy and it turned you on. You moaned lightly and Jungkook felt a throbbing in his pants. Your hand slowly fell over his chest, slipping down to his zipper. It was at this point that the alcohol started kicking in. Little by little, your head began to feel like it was swimming and your worries of Namjoon and his slutty ex-girlfriend flew away. Your focus was on Jungkook and his zipper that slowly fell down. You unbuttoned his pants next before rubbing his bulge over his clothes.

Jungkook bit down on your lip and tugged as he moaned. His heart was beating louder than a drum and his ears were reddening as you rubbed him a bit more forcefully. The pleasure was getting to be too much forcing him to break the kiss and moan into the air.

You placed firm kisses to his neck as your hand snaked into his underwear. With his dick firmly in your hand, you squeezed and he groaned.

"___, we need to stop" Jungkook moaned. Mentally, you agreed with him. However, your body; your tongue and hand, had a different plan on its mind. Your warm breath moved across the skin of his neck as you stroked him faster. You moaned into his ear and he shivered. "___, ungh, I-I'm gonna cum" he moaned. His breathing was heavy and fast, his chest sinking in with every exhale.

You sucked his neck, hoping to leave a mark. "Do it. Cum in my hand" you said into his ear. Jungkook grunted, his teeth clenching and veins showing in his neck. Jungkook grunted as he came into your hand, a bit of his seed spilling into his underwear.

Jungkook almost slumped against the wall, exhausted. You pulled your hand from his underwear, some of his juices dripping down your fingers. You looked him in the eyes before sucking your fingers into your mouth. Jungkook's mouth opened in disbelief, the sexy image burning into his memory.

"___!" Yoongi called from outside in the hallway. His voice pulled Jungkook back to reality and he quickly shuffled to fix his clothes.

"___!?" Yoongi yelled again.

"___, we can't tell anyone about this" Jungkook said, his eyes growing large.

"I know. You owe me one though" you smiled, looking over his body. You turned to the door and opened it, running straight into Yoongi.


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