Part 8

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You'd been awake now for maybe 10 minutes and all you'd accomplished was sitting up, stretching your arms above your head, and responding to Yoongi's text messages from last night. It had been 4 days since you'd dumped Namjoon and Jungkook told you his little "secret". Even though you'd learned about it 4 days ago, it had only been about 11 hours since you'd told Yoongi.

Sensing that he'd needed a break from you, you'd decided to give him some space. You hadn't seen him in a couple of days. You'd barely even talked. For the past few days, you withheld any information about your frustrating love life.

Jungkook began to stir beside you and you looked over at him. He'd been crashing at your place since the big event. You had to admit that it was partially your fault that he was still here, being that he'd planned to leave after just one night of being there. The initial plan was that he would stay that night after the big break up but every day since then, you'd persuaded him to stay. Truthfully, you felt a bit guilty. Even though Jungkook hadn't mentioned any awkwardness between the members, you could only assume that there was some sort of disconnect between them. You didn't want him to go back to the dorm only to be dragged into a fight or an argument. Plus, it was fun having him around. It was also comfortable to have someone to cuddle with at night. You hadn't gotten that from Namjoon in a long time.

Beside you, Jungkook continued to move around until finally, his arm was slipping around your waist. You typed your last message to Yoongi before putting your phone to the side.

Jungkook groaned before moving his body closer to yours, putting his head in your lap. You let your hand fall against his bare back and smiled when he groaned again.

"Why are you awake so early?" he asked in his gruff morning voice.

"It's like 9 in the morning."

He groaned more dramatically and your smile broadened.

"We have at least one more hour before we have to get up" he complained. He rolled over onto the mattress to lie on his back. He closed his eyes and sighed. After getting that feeling of your eyes on him, however, he cracked one open.

"Seriously, why are you awake? We were up late last night" he asked, both of his eyelids opening fully.

"Last night I sent a message to Yoongi-"

"Really?" he asked excitedly.

You nodded with a smile.

"You seem happier than me" you commented.

"I might be. You were sulking around for three days because you couldn't talk to him. I was worried about you" he responded. You scratched your head and moved to straddle him. It was a gesture that had become normal over the past few days. Every day, you'd wake up and then straddle Jungkook. Then you'd talk to him until it was time to get up.

"I wasn't sulking...was I?" you asked. He smiled at your unsure face and adjusted himself beneath you.

"You were. You looked like a sad puppy-"

"Was it cute at least?" you asked.

"You're always cute. Anyway, back to the big news, what's going on with him?" Jungkook asked.

"He's coming over later today to talk" you smiled, your excitement beginning to show on your face. Jungkook, although he was still smiling, seemed to have a shift in his mood.

"I'll definitely get out of here for that" he said. Your eyebrows drew together in confusion and he moved to smooth out the lines in your forehead.

"I don't think he's too happy about me living here" Jungkook explained. Your eyebrows drew together again and he smoothed out your face again.

"Stop. It's fine. I wasn't supposed to be here this long, remember? I would've went home but I didn't want you to be here alone with everything going on" he said.

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