Part 13

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"___?" Yoongi said lightly, closing your bedroom door behind him. He walked over to your side of the bed and took a seat on the edge.

"___?" he called again, this time shaking you a little. You heard the sound of a bag rustling and you groaned before turning your head enough to look at him. Yoongi looked into your eyes and made a face.

"You look horrible. Worse than yesterday" he said. You rolled your eyes and stretched your arms, immediately regretting it. You were so sore. So sore, in fact, that for the past day or so– you hadn't moved much from this very spot.

You winced as you sat up and sniffled.

"Good morning" you said groggily. Yoongi gave you a pitying smile and reached over to grab your water from the nightstand. He dug in his bag- the culprit of the rustling from earlier- and pulled out a new box of medicine.

"Courtesy of your delightful pain-in-the-ass of a boyfriend" he said, handing it over. You smiled and took the box from him.

"Pain in the ass?" you asked, struggling to open the box. Yoongi watched in horror as you nightmarishly fumbled with the box's flaps. After a few seconds, he took it from you, shaking his head as he opened it easily.

"Yes, since you've forbidden him from coming here until he worked out his issues with Namjoon-" Yoongi paused. He dug into his jacket pocket and rolled his eyes before turning the phone around to you. You smiled and took your medicine as Yoongi answered his FaceTime request.

"Yes? What do you need?" Yoongi asked,

"How does she look?" you heard Jungkook say. Yoongi looked from his phone to you and you quickly gave him a thumbs up.

"Much better than before" he lied. There was a pause and you put your water down.

"Yeah? Let me talk to her then" Jungkook said calling his bluff. You closed your eyes and sighed, taking the phone from him.

"I'm feeling much better, Jungkook" you said with false peppiness. The sound of your own voice sent a dull pain throughout your head. Great, yesterday's headache was back.

"___, you look awful" he said concerned. His image got closer to the phone and you could only assume that he was giving you a good look-over.

"I'll be over later. Give hour or two" he said. You started shaking your head.

"No, we are taking a little break, remember?" you asked.

"You promised that you would take care of yourself while me and Namjoon worked out our problems. That was almost a week ago and you look ten times worse" he said, frustrated. You tilted your head to the side and sighed. Seeing the determined look on his face, you chose not to fight it. Knowing Jungkook, there was no way that he was going to listen to you after seeing how sick you'd gotten.

"Actually, make it a half hour. I just need to get a few things" Jungkook said. He made a kissing noise before ending the call.

"See? Pain in the ass" Yoongi commented, taking his phone back. Despite the fact that you wanted to stick to your original plan, you were so happy to see Jungkook. Somehow, even with him texting you and convincing you to take his phone calls, a week without him near you was beginning to weigh you down.

"Yeah...he's my pain in the ass though" you grinned before sniffling.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and stood up from the bed. He walked out of your room and you could hear him rustling around in the kitchen.

To your surprise, when he came back, he wasn't holding a snack. Instead, he held a thermometer out and made a noise, signaling for you to take it.

"So, have they been getting along?" you asked before wedging the device under your tongue. You pressed the little button and waited, looking at Yoongi expectantly.

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