Part 10

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With a hand frozen on the door, Yoongi checked, once again, to see if you'd replied to any of his text messages. He wanted to know how the talk with Namjoon had gone. He wanted to know what you were actually talking about in the first place. He was worried about you. He was anxious about how you were feeling. He was all over the place.

Had you finally gotten your apology? Had anything been resolved?

Yoongi had complained about always being so involved in your relationship problems but honestly, sometimes he needed to hear the drama. It was a great distraction and it could be pretty entertaining at times.

He looked at his three unanswered messages and slipped his phone in his jacket pocket. Where were you? Maybe you were telling Jungkook what happened? It would make sense that you'd tell Jungkook first considering that he was your boyfriend.

Instead of seeing all the action, he'd been at the studio trying to write. That hadn't gone well. All he'd managed to do there was stare at the wall for two hours.

"Ah, I wish I could've been here" Yoongi groaned into the air. He began putting the code into the door as he thought about how badly Jungkook must've wanted to be here too. Yoongi pushed open the door and slid his shoes off as he walked in. He could hear Taehyung talking in the distance and he frowned. When did he get here? Yoongi followed his voice to the living room and saw him talking to Jin and Hoseok on the couch.

As soon as Taehyung noticed him, he stopped talking and turned his full attention to Yoongi.

For the past half hour, he'd been helping with the mess left after the fight. That included the physical mess and the mental chaos and confusion that shrouded Jin's mind. After all, Jin was the only one in the house who was completely out of the loop when it came to the Jungkook-Namjoon tension.

"Hyung, where have you been?" Taehyung asked exasperated.

Yoongi unzipped his jacket and sat with them.

"Trying to write a little. Have you guys been here all day?" Yoongi asked, confused.

The boys all looked at him strangely and Hoseok suddenly clapped his hands together.

"I told you! I think they weren't invited or something! He lied to them" he said, looking at Yoongi's facial expression. It was the same one that you'd given him earlier. The wheels were turning in his head as Yoongi watched them all talking in front him.

"Namjoon didn't tell you guys that he wanted to speak to ___ alone?" he asked. The boys all shook their heads and Yoongi felt a sudden spark of annoyance.

"Jungkook said something like that earlier-"

Jungkook had been here earlier?

He should've guessed that Jungkook would've talked his way into coming here. Yoongi got up and started walking to Namjoon's room. He was pissed that he was lied to and he had every intention of saying something. Lately, Namjoon had been such an ass that it was out of control. He'd been trying to hold it in but every day there seemed to be a new issue with Namjoon.

Without knocking, Yoongi opened the door, ready to yell at him. When he opened the door however, he almost immediately smiled. He tried to cover his grin with his hand but his giggling eyes were betraying him. He shifted all of his weight to his right leg and tried desperately to keep from laughing.

"You're just going to laugh at me? Aren't you going to ask what happened?" Namjoon asked with a wince. He sat up in the bed and slid the cold bag up higher on his purple eye. Yoongi's smile grew every time he winced.

"I can already see what happened. You got your ass kicked" Yoongi said, finally breaking into a laugh. Namjoon shook his head in annoyance. Not only did he have to deal with physically feeling like shit but now he had to deal with Yoongi making him feel like shit mentally.

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