Part 8.5

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"I wish he would just come over here" Jungkook commented.

Since you'd told him about your plans to talk with Namjoon, he'd seemed more than a little frustrated. There was no objection about you going but there was definitely one about you going alone. In fact, it was at that exact sentence that his entire mood had switched. He understood that he shouldn't be there but it completely caught him by surprise that Yoongi wouldn't be there either.

"Why?" you asked.

"Why does he need to speak with you alone? Why does he need the entire dorm cleared before he talks to you?" he asked, face slowly turning red.

"Yoongi said that he didn't want an audience?" you offered. Truthfully, you didn't understand it either but it wasn't a big concern to you. Well, with Jungkook feeling so alarmed, it was beginning to make you feel concerned.

"That's totally his style. He wants to speak to you alone because he thinks you're weak. He always does that and makes some bullshit excuse" Jungkook continued. You stayed quiet, just watching the wave of negative emotions pass over Jungkook's face. The more he spoke his mind, the more upset he looked.

"Always?" you questioned.

"You haven't noticed? Whenever you two used to fight, he would literally put you in a position so that you couldn't escape. Then he'd talk until he could find the right words to make you happy again" he explained. Did he do that? The more you thought about it, the more you could see his point. It got under your skin a little, realizing that this was an actual 'technique' of Namjoon's. It was a way for him to deal with you.

"He's going to do something. I can just feel it" he said, staring straight ahead.

It was at this point, seeing the smoke pour from his ears, that you decided to try and calm him down.

You took your legs from his lap, removing his hand from them, and moved to sit on him. Putting your legs on either sides of his body, you ended up straddling him. You put your hands on both sides of his face, forcing him to stop staring into space and look at you. Once his eyes met yours, you smiled easily.

"You don't have to worry, trust me" you said before kissing his lips. He gave a lackluster peck back and responded.

"I already trust you. I don't trust him. I mean, why else would he need alone time with you?" he asked pointedly. You shrugged and he went quiet again.

"The only thing he should have to say to you is, ''I'm sorry'. Nothing else" he sighed, breaking his silence.

"Mmhm" you commented, pressing your lips to his again. This time, Jungkook actually kissed you back for a second, his hands slipping to your hips. You smiled a little, alternating between kissing his top and bottom lip.

"I'm coming with you" he mumbled against your lips.

You kissed a path from his lips to his chin and from his chin to the left side of his neck. There was no way you were going to let him go with you in there. Considering how upset he was just a second ago, all Namjoon had to do was say one thing wrong and he would explode.

"You are not" you responded, sucking your lips to his neck. Jungkook closed his eyes and exhaled slowly, a bit of his stress leaving his body. It was truly a blessing, knowing about Jungkook's weakness.

"I can j-just put my headphones on" he said, mind still bending from the assault on his neck.

You bit him in response and he moaned heavily, his fingers slightly digging into your hips. You could feel him hardening beneath you.

"Hallway?" he offered.

"You can wait in the car" you said, releasing his neck. You looked into his now lustful eyes and he nodded eagerly.

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