Part 9

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"Jungkook!" you yelled after him. You chased him into the building and screamed his name again. He pressed the elevator button and for the first time since they'd moved into this building, the doors opened immediately. He stepped into the elevator and you pushed yourself to run faster. The doors started to close but he stuck his arm out, keeping them open for you.

You quickly slid into the elevator and put your hand over your heart, trying to catch your breath. With your lungs on fire, you pressed your back against the buttons to keep him from selecting his floor. Jungkook tried to reach around you and you slapped his hand away.

"___-" he started

"Jungkook, you need to calm down" you responded.

"I've been calm, ___. Look where it's gotten me!" he responded. His eyes bored into yours and you swallowed hard, before moving out of the way. He pressed the button for the fifth floor and you just looked at him with a sigh. The only thought in your mind was a mental image of Jungkook's busted lip. You hadn't been there for the last altercation but you somehow imagined that this was worse. After all, the dirty laundry of everyone's cheating and betrayal was already known and now you were adding Namjoon's kiss to the top of that. It wasn't just a pissed Namjoon anymore. Now there was a pissed Namjoon and a violent, angry Jungkook to worry about.

"Weren't we just saying that we were going to stop talking about him so much?" you asked. Jungkook scratched his head but didn't say anything. The irritation was evident in his face but he tried to dial it down for you.

"____, he didn't just disrespect me today; he disrespected you too. That's not okay with me" he said. For the second time, it felt like his eyes were piercing right through you.

"I'm not okay with it either but that doesn't mean that you should go in there kicking and screaming" you exclaimed. Once again, Jungkook went quiet as he slowly processed your words.

"I've tried talking to him countless times and he never listens. With Namjoon, the harder you push him, the worse he gets" you said.

"Exactly, ___. You've tried many times. It's time that I say something to him. He may not listen to you but he's going to listen to me" he responded finally. The promise in his voice put you on edge and you weren't sure what to say next.

"-and if he doesn't?" you asked after a while.

The doors opened behind you and Jungkook looked away. He took a step and you moved to block his exit.

"____-" he called your name.

"Jungkook" you answered, mimicking the tone in his voice.

He cursed under his breath and turned his back to you. He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes.

"So what? Am I just supposed to let him off the hook? Just let him get away with what he did?" he questioned, turning back around.

"Talk to him. I'm fine with that. I just want you to stay cool, Jungkook. The last thing that I need is to be bandaging your bloody knuckles tonight" you said softly. He exhaled and took a good look at you as the elevator doors closed behind you. Pushing his selfishness away, he nodded and scratched his head.

"Okay" he said simply.

You smiled inwardly as you hugged your arms around his waist. You could tell that he was still upset but he definitely seemed better than he was a few minutes ago.

"I'll just try talking to him and we'll go our separate ways" Jungkook said.

You thanked him and pushed the button to open the elevator doors. Grabbing your hand, Jungkook lead you to their dorm room door. He started to type in the passcode but stopped and looked at you.

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