Part 12

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The double doors just seemed to get bigger and bigger. It felt like you were struggling to breathe with every step that you took. This was terrifying. You scratched your head and licked your drying lips. As soon as you reached the restaurant's doors, you grabbed Jungkook's wrist. He stopped walking and looked back at you.

"What's wrong?" he asked, concerned. Your inner self was practically screaming at you but you couldn't understand why. It wasn't like this was purely Namjoon's plan again. Yoongi had planned out most of this arrangement and there was no way that he was going to set you up. Obviously. Jungkook wouldn't have agreed to it if he thought any different. Still, there was a nagging feeling inside of you.

"I'm really going to be cool this time. I swear" he said seriously.

You exhaled and it came out shaky. Why were you so nervous? Maybe it was because the last time there was a meet up like this, it didn't end too well.

Maybe it was because you weren't feeling well physically?

Maybe it was because Yoongi chose to have this meeting at a restaurant. His logic was that they wouldn't act crazy in public. You weren't too convinced though. Their first fight was originally at a crowded party. How exactly would a restaurant be different? This just seemed like the perfect place for a scandal to start.

Jungkook could see the flood of anxiousness in your eyes and pulled you away from the door.

"You still want to do this, right? If you don't think you can, we'll just try again another day" he said, looking into your eyes. You began shaking your head and he waited for you to gather your thoughts.

"No, let's get it over with. I don't know what's wrong with me" you answered honestly. Jungkook asked if you were sure and you nodded, tugging at his arm. He laced his fingers with yours and continued into the building.

Walking into the dimly lit area, your eyes adjusted and you moved closer to Jungkook. He gave the name to the host and wrapped his arm around your waist. The host told you his name but you were too dazed to hear him. Instead, you just let Jungkook lead you to the table. It was in one of the 'party' rooms in the back. Basically, one long table in a single room with nice decorations.

There were three chairs on the long sides of the table and one chair on the shorter sides of the table. Jungkook chose to sit in the middle seat, his back to the door, and you took the chair next to him. He took his jacket off and slung it on the back of his chair. He asked if you were going to take yours off and you shook your head. It was freezing in here.

Jungkook looked at you for a second, seeing how tired your eyes looked, before placing his hand to your forehead. He shook his head and removed his hand. You laid your head on his shoulder and looked at the silverware on the table.

"You're probably getting the flu" he huffed. Without sitting up, you tilted your head to see his expression. He looked so annoyed and you smiled.

"Are you mad at me for getting sick?" you asked. Jungkook thought about it for a second and smiled.

"No, but we shouldn't be here if you're sick, ___" he complained. You sighed.

"Yeah, but we shouldn't put this off either. I need all of you to be okay with one another" you said, looking up at him. Jungkook looked at your sick, bubbly eyes and shook his head before kissing your forehead. With your face looking so helpless, Jungkook was unable to fight against you.

"We'll make this conversation fast then. When we get home, we're going to do exactly what I said: turn the heat on and leave it on" he grumbled.

"We should go to the store to get the slippers first though" you responded. Jungkook looked down at you, preparing to shut down your idea. He was against you being outside in this cold weather longer than you needed to be. What you should be doing is eating some soup and taking medicine. When he saw your gigantic eyes though, he melted and groaned.

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