Part 11

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It was almost one in the afternoon and the two of you were still cuddled up. Truthfully, you'd gotten up about 2 hours ago but– after showering and eating- you'd hopped right back into the bed.

"This is the weirdest position, ___" he laughed.

With him lying on his back, you had your torso across his and your hands underneath of him: inside his shirt.

"My hands are cold" you responded, wiggling your fingers against his back. He visibly cringed and groaned as loud as he could.

"No, stopstopstopstop" he complained, his back trying to arch off of the bed. You stopped moving your fingers, a smile hanging on your face. He was weirdly sensitive to certain things. His neck turned him on but having your fingers wiggle on his back, apparently, made him extremely uncomfortable.

"That was awful. Here" he said, pulling your hands from their hiding place. You slid off of him and onto your side, still remaining close to his body. He held your hands in his and rubbed them. His hands were just as cold as yours were. How did he plan on warming cold hands with cold hands? You rested your head on the pillow near his shoulder and watched as he tried to manually warm your hands.

"Are your feet cold?" he asked.

Your feet were freezing but you had them wrapped in the blankets. You struggled to take one of your feet out and pressed your toes to Jungkook's leg. He immediately cursed and jerked back, making you laugh.

He got out of the bed, leaving you stranded, and announced that he was going to turn the heat up. His T-shirt and boxers combo was somehow cute and sexy at the same time. You laughed to yourself and waited for him to return. After a bit, you could hear the heat pouring through the vents.

"It's-cold-it's-cold-it's cold-" he chanted, running into the room. He dove onto the bed and smiled before kissing your cheek, stuffing his feet under the blankets.

"Why do you have hardwood floors? It is freezing" he complained with a grin. You shrugged.

"You're going to end up getting sick" he warned.

"We should go buy some slippers" you responded as he buried his feet deeper into the blankets. He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close and kissed his lips to your neck.

"Or you could just keep the heat turned up" he smiled into your neck.

His lips briefly dragged against your skin and it raised goosebumps across your body.

"My idea is better" you mumbled. Jungkook chuckled and shook his head.

"It isn't" he said, kissing your neck again.

Deciding that you wouldn't keep arguing with him, you pressed your toes to his leg once more and he flinched. He cursed immediately and moved away from you. He smiled as he looked at your laughing figure.

"That's funny?" he dared. Jungkook moved to hover over you, holding himself up with an arm on either side of your head.

The challenging look in his eyes warmed you to your core. He was such an aggressive man. In some aspects, it was obviously a problem. In many ways though, that was a great thing.

"Hilarious" you grinned.

"Yeah?" he asked, biting your neck. His hand roughly squeezed your side and you shivered. Whether it was from the cold or his mouth, you weren't sure. Either way, you could feel your hard nipples scrape against your t-shirt. His teeth nipped at your skin again just before his lips kissed the area. Another shiver slid through your body.

Yep, it was definitely Jungkook's mouth.

If there was one thing that was guaranteed to get you turned on, it would be his lips. He knew just where to kiss. He knew when to change those kisses into bites. He knew how to turn those bites into sucks.

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