Part 2

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I twisted the knob opened and then I saw Mr. Park on his desk.

"Y/N, you're late." He said firmly. Shoot

I bit my lower lip. "I'm sorry, sir." I bowed slightly. Thankfully, Mr. Park isn't that so strict.

I feel two eyes glued on me so I look on my left then saw Shinwon, staring at me. I quickly averted my gaze on him then took a seat, the farthest seat from him.

"Detention for an hour, and I don't want to see you both fighting again, okay?"

"Yes, sir." We said in unison. Mr. Park then left us, alone.

Since this detention lasted an hour, I decided to read my favorite book. Oh, right! I haven't read for awhile.

I rummaged through my bag then saw the blue covered book. I took it out then proceed reading.

I'm a big fan of books and reading, it's because reading makes me feel at ease and my imagination goes wild while reading. Sometimes I though that I should write a book someday too, writing becomes my passion now.

I flip the next page.

"What are you reading?" Shinwon suddenly said next to me, makes me jump a little.

"Yah, Shinwon! You gave me a heart attack!" He burst out laughing.

"You should have seen your face." He said, while laughing.

"Yah! It's not funny!"

"Look. If you're just going to annoy me then stop. I don't have time for you." I added.

"Aish, I just want to know what you're reading." He pouted. Those pout won't work on me.

I ignored him then continued reading. I was going to flip the next page but then he snatched it from me.

"Yah! Give it back!" I said, annoyingly. But he didn't listen, he started reading the book out loud.

I stand up from my seat. "I said give it back!" I tried to snatch the book from him but because of his height, I'm struggling to get it back. Aish, small height problems. He raised his hand higher then I jumped. And then the next thing I know is, I'm on top of him. It took me seconds or even minutes to figure out what just happened and then I can't help staring at his dark, beautiful eyes. He's... More handsome up close. Wait what? Y/N snap out of it. I came back to my senses and then quickly snatched the book from him then got off from him. Pretend that this didn't happen at all.
An hour has passed. The door creaked open revealing Mr. Park on the other side of the door.

"Is everything okay here?" He asked, but no one seemed can answer it. "Anyway, you can now go home." He added.

I quickly grabbed my bag and then head home.

"Why are you late?" I heard my father said as soon as I entered the house. I found him at the couch, watching TV.

"Um, I- um..." I stuttered. Now what should be my excuse?

"Honey dinners ready. Oh! Y/N dear, you're here." My mom came out from the kitchen, she then open her arms for a hug. My mom is sweet, but sometimes she can be scary too. I wrapped my arms around her waist then quickly pulled away.

"Let's go, dinner's ready." She smiled sweetly at me.

"So, why are you late?" My dad asked me again while chewing his food.

"I, uh I..."

"You what?"

I gulped. "I got d-detention."

"You what!" My dad said, slightly seen the veins on his forehead. I flinched, tears are about to fall but I don't want it to fall.

"Honey, calm down. Let's eat first." My mom shushed him.

I got up from my seat. "I-i lost my appetite. I'm sorry." I headed to my room. Then let my body collapsed on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Million of thoughts in my head.

Despite of the situation earlier at the dining table, my mind was thinking of something else- someone else. His dark beautiful eyes, his sharp nose, and his thick lips... Ugh Y/N stop! You hate him! You don't like him, snap out of it.

I got off from bed then washed up. Change my clothes into my comfy pajamas. Then went to sleep.

OhHHHhhh, things are getting interesting I see.(◡ ω ◡)

By the way, thanks for reading. Have a good day/night😊💜.

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