Part 7

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As I finished, I gave my answer sheet to Mr. Park. I went back to my seat to grab my things then wait for Chae-Won to finish outside.

"I'm so nervous for the results." I heard her say while I was fidgeting my fingers.

"Oh, Chae-Won."

"Y/N! Do you think I will get high grades?" She wrapped her arms around my shoulder.

"I guess. I'm not sure if I'll get high grades this school-year." I mumbled.

"Oh right! We have to pass our project today."

We went to Mrs. Lee's office then passed her our project.

"So what do you want to do now?" She asked. I inhaled the fresh air at Seoul's busy street.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" "Nothing. All I want is to spend time with my best friend." She held both of my hands and smiled genuinely. I smiled back at her.

The results of the test will be revealed today. I was fidgeting my fingers nervously as we wait for the teacher to come. Minutes later Mr. Park came with our test results.

"Good Morning, Mr. Park." We greet him in unison.

"Good morning class. You may seat down now." We did as he said.

"So today, your scores will be revealed." He starts calling names and when it was my turn, I nervously walked to his desk and grabbed it. As I sit down, I glanced at my answer sheet and.... I'm dead.

I got 75 on TLE!

My heart dropped. Afraid of my parent's reaction. I never got 75 before, what is happening to me!

I heard Chae-Won squealed besides me. She most got high scores.

As the school bell rang, signalling that it's lunch time, Chae-Won approached me excitedly.

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" She jumped in excitement.

"What?" "Since I got 94 on the test, I will treat you." 94? Wow.

She brought me to the nearest restaurant of the school.

"Order as many as you want. It's my treat." She said as we sat down one of the tables at the restaurant.

We finished ordering our food. And now we need to wait.

"So Y/N, how's your scores?" She leaned in a bit. "Bad." I sighed. "Why?" She furrowed her brows and rest her chin on her palm. "I got 75 on TLE." I nervously said, imagining my father's face when I got home.

Her eyes soften as if she knows what I'm thinking. She sat besides me then pat my back.

That's one of the reasons why I love Chae-Won. By just looking at you she already knows what you're thinking, it's like she has a power to read peoples mind. Telepathy to be exact.

"Alright class, I already added your scores at the project in your grades. You can now get it back, just go to my office to get it." Mrs. Lee said as she walked to the door. "Goodbye class."

"Goodbye, Mrs. Lee." We said in unison and started packing our things. Me and Chae-Won went to Mrs. Lee's office to get back our project and to know what our score is.

Chae-Won opened the door to see Mrs. Lee doing some paper works. "Mrs. Lee" Chae-Won said to get her attention. "Oh, come in."

We slowly went to her desk and bowed politely. "Mrs. Lee, we're here to get our project back." "I already expected it, wait a second." She opened one of her drawers and hand us our project. "Here you go." I quickly grabbed it and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Lee." I bowed at her then we went outside.

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