Part 12

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"Wow..." I said in astonishment as I saw Hongseok and Hyunggu put the cupcakes they bake on the counter top.

They both looked at me. "Good morning Y/N!" Hyunggu greeted me as he saw me heading to the kitchen. I smiled at him.

"Can I have some?" I asked them as I was staring at the cupcakes they bake and my mouth was slightly hanging open, wanted to try some.

"Sure." Hongseok said. I grabbed one of the cupcakes and took a bite.

"How was it?" Hongseok asked me while looking at me nervously, waiting for my response.

"It's so good!" I told him enthusiastically. He had now a smug face compared to earlier. I took another bite of the cupcake and then another, and another. As I was busy eating cupcakes, Hyunggu suddenly smeared the icing of the cupcake on my left cheek. My eyes widened and is followed by his laugh.

I also smeared some icing on his right cheek and nose. It is now my turn to laugh while he was pouting as if sulking. Suddenly, Hongseok smeared some of my right cheek too resulting me to stop laughing and now his turn to laugh. I looked at Hyunggu as if giving him a signal and then nod. We walked closer to him.

"W-what are you both doing?" He said as he took a step back. We continue to walk closer him as Hongseok took step backwards everytime we took a step forward, until he was cornered. We both smeared the icing on both of his cheeks then burst out laughing. We were chasing around the kitchen like kids.

"What's going on here?" Wooseok asked which makes us stopped while still laughing.

"Oh, are those cupcakes?" He went to the kitchen island and took one of the cupcakes as me and Hongseok washed our faces to the sink.

"Why are the other cupcakes doesn't have icing anymore?" Wooseok asked which makes Hyunggu burst out laughing again.

"Yah, what's going on why are you laughing this early?" Shinwon said, his eyes half-closed and his hair was messy seems like he just woke up.

"For your information, it's already 10 in the morning and-"

"Ohh cupcakes!" Hongseok didn't finish his sentence as Shinwon cut him off and went to the kitchen to have some, his eyes were now fully opened and sparkling with happiness as he saw the cupcakes and took a bite. Until one by one of the members went in to the kitchen and have some cupcakes as the kitchen is getting crowded.

"Why are you all dress up?" Changgu asked Yanan with furrowed brows as he stare at Yanan curiously.

"Me? Oh, it's because me and Wooseok will be going to the arcade later." He answered nonchalantly as he took another bite of his cupcake. Changgu still didn't averted his gaze on Yanan as he stare at him curiously.

"Yah, is this another excuse again to ditch your chores?" Hui glared at Yanan while his hands were on his hips. Yanan looks around just to avoid Hui's gaze.

"What? No, i-it's true!" He said defensively, "Right Wooseok?" He looked at Wooseok pleading for help.

"No, he's making excuses again." He nonchalantly said which makes Yanan sight in defeat.

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