Part 9

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I can't sleep. I have tried everything, I have try reading fairytales, listening to lullaby music but nothing seems to work. I went downstairs and found the guys on the living room playing, but I'm not in a mood of playing. I passed the living room and went outside. A figure was sitting on the staircase. It has a long hair and the only girl here is Y/N.

"Can't sleep?" I asked her but she only looked at me. I sat next to her and looked at the stars shining in the night sky.

I realized something that I haven't apologize to Y/N for bothering her and I guess this is the time to apologise.

"Do you still hate me, do you?" I asked her but she didn't answer. "I'm sorry for always bothering you at school," I looked at her and sigh. "I hope you can forgive me." I said sincerely. I tried to read her face but I can't read it. She has a blank expression.

"No. I should be the one who says sorry."

Did she just said that?!

A smile curved in her lips. "I'm sorry for acting rude towards you at school I'm just not a socialable person I prefer to be alone you know. I haven't even say thank you to you." I still can't believe this, I rapidly blink 3 times. "Yah, what's with that face!" She cutely giggled which gives me butterflies in my stomach, this is the first time I saw her smiling so bright. I straighten my seat and said, "Sorry, I was just shock I haven't heard you apologize before." "Am I that cold?" She looked at me with her beautiful round eyes.

"Y-yes." Why am I stuttering?

"Jeez maybe I am." She rubbed her nape and continue speaking."By the way thank you. Thank you for letting me sleep in your room, I promise I won't be long here."

"You can stay as long as you want though."

"Is it okay with the other guys?" She looked at the night sky.

"Yeah, why not."

Silence filled the air. But it wasn't akward, it was a comfortable silence. Only the crickets and the wind can be heard. The screaming is gone and the lights have been turned off, I guess the guys have decided to call it a day and sleep. We are currently outside, enjoying the cold wind brushed our skin, watching the stars shining bright in the night sky. I can't help but admire Y/N, she's more beautiful up close. I still remember when Y/N tried to get back her book from me but I tripped and she falls on top of me. Those beautiful round eyes, cute nose and her pink, plumpy lips. That memory makes me smile.

Y/N closed her eyes and feel the cold air brushing her skin. The air gently blowing her hair and she has a small smile on her lips. I just wished that this moment won't end, this scenery is just too perfect I might not see her smile again.

"I can't sleep." Y/N suddenly spoke after the long silence.

"Why?" I carefully asked her.

"It's because I'm overthinking again." She looked at me and looked at the night sky again. "My parents didn't even do anything when I left." She let out a shaky breath. "I haven't receive any calls or texts from them they have disowned me just because of that reason. I just got 86 on TLE, 86 is not that bad right?" She looked at me with teary eyes. It broke my heart seeing her cry, I wanna do something to make her at least feel better but I just froze, I never seen her cry before. "They have alot of expectations from me, I have to do all what they say. I spend my holidays studying than taking a break and spend time with my friends or with my so called family." She said while crying.

"Y/N, I know they just want the best for you." I softly said. "I know but it's too much. They didn't even ask me if I'm happy or okay with it, all they care is the company. I have to have a perfect image because I will be the next CEO of our company." I wrapped my arms around her and gently stroking her hair. "They didn't even ask me if I wanted to do this. I want to do what I love, but I can't because they won't let me." She said while crying. I gently rubbed her back, this is least that I can do to make her feel better.


I'm glad that things between me and Shinwon are now okay. But there is still something bugging inside me. The thoughts that I have been keeping to myself. The thought that my parents disowned me. The thought that they didn't even do anything when I left. The thought that they don't love me anymore, and so on. I can't control the tears from falling, I can't handle the pain anymore. Out of all people, I really have to cry in front of him. But I'm glad that he listens to me and stay by my side. Guilt rush into me, I have been rude towards him but he still cares for me and let me lean on his shoulders.

After half an hour of hugging, I slowly pulled away and wiped the tears on my cheeks. "Do you feel any better?" He asked me, and with a hint of concern in his voice. "Yeah." I whispered.

He let out a sigh of relief. "What do you want to do now?"

"I want to try new things, I want to try the things that I haven't done since I don't have the chance to. And now that I have a chance, I don't want to waste any time. I just want to take a rest and have fun." I said.

He nodded his head and he rested his chin on his palm, with furrowed brows he must be thinking. His face lit up. He went inside and came back with a pen and paper with him.

"Why don't you list the things you want to do." He said and handed me the pen and paper.

I started listing the things that I want to do, and also list some of the certain things that Shinwon recommended me to do that includes fun. We stared at the list in aww, I didn't expect the list will be this long.

"Do you think we can do this all before college starts?" I said in astonishment, not sure if I can do all of this. "Wait, did you just said we?!" He looks like he just saw a ghost, his eyes were wide and his mouth formed an "o" shaped.

I blushed unknowingly. "Well, I can't do all of this alone..." I looked on the ground, embarrassed. "Aye you just want to be with me." He nudged me on the shoulder. "We can bring the other guys?" I asked him.

"Fine." He sighed. They say when a girl and a boy go out it automatically means date and I don't want him to think of it like that. It's just it's lonely when you do it alone but since he has a feelings towards me it might get awkward and I might be a blushing mess. I'm really not good at this since this is the first time someone confessed to me. I never let a boy in my heart, never in my life. That's why I asked him to bring the other guys. Or I'm just afraid to like him back?

I'm running out of ideas(╥﹏╥). I hope this chapter came out well. By the way, what do you think of the story so far? Comment down below I wanna read it!(・∀・) And is my English okay?

Thanks for reading, have a nice day/night😊💜.

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