Part 5

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We were in the rooftop. Leaning my back on the door while crossing my arms, meanwhile Shinwon was standing with a blank expression.

Silence filled the air.

"So, what do you want to tell me?"

"I uh, Y/N. Um... I..." He was struggling to say the words, for 5 minutes.

"Just say it. You already took 5 minutes of my time." I said, starting to get impatient. But he was just standing, obviously struggling what to say next.

"You know what? I'm just gonna go." I said then grab the door knob.

"Wait! Can you stay longer please." I turned to him. "What is wrong with you? Why won't you just leave me alone?" He stared at me in bewilderment. "Before you came into my life everything was peaceful until you came, you ruined it. Out of all girls why me? Why won't you stop bothering me, why does it have to be me!?-"

"It's because I like you, can't you see!?" I was taken aback. My heart beating so fast, my cheeks getting warmer. I never feel this before, never in my life. I don't know exactly why, is it because this is the first time someone confess to me? Is it because I didn't expect him to like me? Or something else.

"Tell me, you like me or not? Decide right now. DO or NOT?" It took me awhile to answer. I can still hear my heart beat, why does it took me awhile to answer if I already know the answer?

I cleared my throat and put a blank expression. "So what? I don't care." After that I left him then went to the cafeteria.

I still don't know what I'm feeling. Some part of me feel flustered while the other feel bad for telling him that. Why does it even bother me? I don't care about him.


"So what? I don't care."

Her voice echoed in my head, over and over again. I know that she can't like me back, but there's still a part of me hoped that she would like me back. Just like in k dramas, girls would pretend that they hate the guy, but actually has a secret crush on them. But I forgot, she's not them and she would never be. This is the reality.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Kino, my roommate/best friend ask me.

"I don't know anymore." I lied down on my bed.

"Is something bothering you?" He sat next to my lying figure. "Is it because I ate your burger last night? I'm sorry I was hungry." He continued. I sat on my bed. "No it's not that. It's a bigger problem."

"Well, can you tell me?" I took a deep breath and start talking. "Do you know Y/N?" His brows furrowed, thinking hard as if struggling on a math problem. "Y/N? Yeah, sometimes I saw her on the campus. Why Hyung?"

"Well, it's because I like her-" "WHAT? YOU LIKE HER? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME JUST NOW?" I covered my ears. "Please have mercy on my ears." He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, Hyung."

"So as I was saying, I like her. And I confessed to her earlier." "What did she say?" He asked curiously. A sad smile formed on my lips. "She didn't like me back. I already expect it though, but it makes me hurt somehow. When she turned her back on me, I felt numb." His eyes softened then pat my back. "Well, not all people can like us no matter how handsome or rich you are." He softly said.

"Should I just forget her?"

"Forget?" He chuckled. "It's not easy to forget someone, especially when you see her everyday."

All of this makes me feel frustrated. Right, how could I forget her if I will saw her everyday?


The day passed without Shinwon bothering me. I feel happy that he finally stopped, but some part of me feels sad. When we bumped to each other at the hallways, he wouldn't even bother to look at me, he clearly is avoiding me. I should not be feeling this, I should be happy.

I am with Chae-Won, we are heading to the library to do the project. As we were walking, I saw Shinwon with another girl. There was a smile on his face, but the girl is not facing our way. I guess it's just one of his fangirls. But why do I even care who he is hanging out with? I'm not even his girlfriend neither friend.

"Earth to Y/N?" I was snap back to the reality when I saw two hands waving in front of me.

"You're back! Y/N, are you okay?"

"Yeah. Let's go." I glanced at him for the last time, then we went to the library.
Yah Y/N! I thought you don't care about him•́  ‿ ,•̀

Anyways, thank you for reading. Have a nice day/night😊💜.

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