Part 6

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As school finish, I'm heading to the library to finish the project. By myself. I told the girl to let me do it instead.

As I was walking someone suddenly shout my name.

"YAH! KO SHINWON!" I turned around to see,

"Noona? Why are you here?" Yejin ran then stopped in front of me.

"Shinwon finally, I've been looking for you for hours. Man, your campus is big." She said out of breath.

"Noona? Why are you here?" I asked again.

"Am I not allowed to visit my brother?"

"No." I sarcastically said which make her frowned. "Just kidding. But seriously, why?"

"Mom asked me to check on you. How have you been? You changed alot huh, have you gained weight?" I looked down on my stomach and rubbed it. "No. How about you? You've changed alot, you're more skinnier, I missed those chubby cheeks." I pinched her cheeks.

"Stop that." She said annoyingly then shoved away my hands. "Where are you going anyway?"

"I'm going to the library to study."

"Woah, Shinwon do you even study?"

I hit her arm. "Yah, show some respect."

"I'm older than you, FYI." She rolled her eyes then flipped her hair.

"Then can you at least show some respect to your handsome younger brother?"

She scoffed. "Handsome? As if."

"At least I wouldn't talk in my sleep." I fired.

"Yah! Shut up!" She hit my arm then rolled her eyes. I just laugh at her.

"How was mother by the way?"

"She's doing fine, you don't have to worry."

My sister is currently in her 3rd year college, meanwhile this is my last year in highschool. My mom is currently in our small town, she has a bakery shop in there. Meanwhile my dad? He... He abandoned us, he choose his mistress over us. I'm here in Seoul, living with another 8 guys who has the same dreams as mine. I always want to be a Kpop idol. Singing and dancing on stages, being admired by people, I think it's cool and feels good being recognized by your talents. My mom still doesn't know about it, only my sister does and glad that she supported me.


"Y/N, Y/N!" I snapped out to the reality.

"Huh what? Oh yes yes."

"Y/N, are you even listening?" She took a sip on her coffee.

"I-im sorry, can you repeat all of that?"

"Y/N, you have been spacing out a lot lately. Is something bothering you?"

Is something bothering me? I don't know but, I can't stop thinking about him, I can't stop thinking of what I saw earlier. Why does it even bother me? Why am I even thinking of him? Why am I like this?

"Nothing... Let's just continue doing the project."

I tossed my bag away then lied down in my bed. Million thoughts in my head.

Who was that girl that he was talking with earlier?

The question keeps repeating in my head and recalling the smile on his face when he was talking with her.

Why do it bother me alot? He's not even my boyfriend neither friend. Why am I like this? Why do I suddenly care if whom his hanging out with? Why? Why am I like this?

This is not the right time thinking about this Y/N. You need to study.

I got up from my bed then took out my books and notes then proceed on studying, but I still can't get him off of my mind.


Throughout the days, I have been studying hard. As school finish, I will automatically went to the library to study, it's like my habit now. And honestly, I feel like a good child, doing something that can help me. And Y/N? I have stopped bothering her since the day I confessed to her. Clearly, she must be happy now. That's what she ask, to leave her alone. I have been avoiding her but still, this feelings won't leave me.

It's currently Sunday, which means no school and the exams are tommorow. I'm currently in my study table, trying my best to not fall asleep and absorb it in my brain.

"Hyung~ Wanna play soccer?" Ask Hyunggu. I gave him a quick glance then went back to studying. "Umm, maybe next time."

He sighed. "Okay then." He closed the door and went out.


I woke up with a stiff neck. I rubbed my eyes then stretched my body. I glanced at the wall clock and OH NO! I'M GONNA BE LATE!

I hurriedly went to the bathroom to take a shower. After taking a shower, I wore my uniform then packed my books and notes. I went to the kitchen and saw mom and dad eating their breakfast.

"Good morning sweetie." Mom greeted me. I gave her a smile. "Mom, I'll be going."

"But what about your breakfast?" I took the sandwich then shoved it in my mouth. I then went out to go to school.

As I arrived school, there was still 5 minutes left until the exams start. I ran my way to my class. As I enter, the students look at me, then went back on doing their business. I took my seat and took out my books to study for minutes.

The teacher entered the classroom, I put my book in my bag and straighten my seat.

"Good morning everyone."

"Good Morning Mr. Park." We stand up and greet him in unison.

"So today is our exams, I'm wishing all of you a good luck." Mr. Park said and started handling us the test paper and our answer sheets.

I think this chapter is boring(๑•﹏•). I was tired while writing this.

Anyways, thank you for reading. Have a nice day/night😊💜.


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