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Kayla's POV

I wake up the next morning, with thoughts swarming in my head about Calum and Axel.

I take a bit of a longer shower and let myself calm down as I get ready for school.

I put on a pair of white skinny jeans and a chiffon floral shirt.

I put my hair in a high ponytail and put in my makeup and then head downstairs.

I'm extremely un-hungry and just leave the house after slipping on my black vans.

I meet Calum and Michael at the corner and walk on the side closest to the street, with Michael in the middle and Calum on the inside by the houses.

I make sure to avoid conversation with Calum when I can and just talk to Mikey.

When we get inside the school Axel is waiting by my locker.

Mikey and Calum march in front of me and look angry.

I quickly run up to them before they reach my locker and tell them to let me do this by myself.

"Are you sure?" Michael asks.

"Yes, please go, I just need to talk to him alone." I explain.

They nod understandingly, but they still give Axel a glare as they walk past.

I take a deep breath and walk up to my locker.

"You're blocking my locker." I say blandly.

He simply steps aside and I roll my eyes and open my locker, letting the door swing in front of his face.

I start to pull out everything I need for first period when he starts to talk.

"Kayla I just want a chance to explain I rea-" he starts, and I cut him off by slamming my locker.

"I have NOTHING to say to you Axel, so just stop embarrassing yourself and leave me alone!" I shout in his face, causing some people to stare.

"Kayla just calm down." he says quietly, to stop people from staring.

"Calm down?! Are you kidding me?! We were dating for 5 months and the day we go public with our relationship, I find out that I wasn't enough for you! You had to go fool around with some blonde chick!!" I shout again, now outraged that he is being such and inconsiderate jerk.

He is about to say something but just as his mouth opens I cut him off.

"Axel save it. I am completely done with you, so whatever you have to say, say it to whatever cheerleader you're going after next." I state, flipping my hair in his face and walking down the hall.

I explain everything to Michael in first period through notes and then decide to let the other guys know at lunch.

I'm still astounded by everything that Calum told me last night over the phone.

Was he actually flirting before? Was I just clueless? I mean, he's my best friend and I love him like a brother, I just don't know how I could ever be with him as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Lunchtime rolls around and we all sit together with some other people that are at the same social level basically.

I tell the guys what happened with Axel this morning and Ashton jokingly congratulates me.

"Good job bud, hit him where it hurts." he laughs.

"Ahaha, thanks ash." I reply.

Calum looks at all of us and then locks eyes with me.

He stands up and throws his lunch tray down, creating a huge mess, and storms out of the cafeteria.

"What the hell?!" Luke exclaims with bewilderment.

Mikey gets up and goes after him as we all sit there shocked.

"Ok, what the hell just happened?" Ashton asks after people stop staring.

"Um... it's a long story, I have to go talk to Calum, I'll see you guys at rehearsal." I say standing up from the table and quickly walking out of the cafeteria.

I see Calum standing down the hall against the lockers with his arms crossed and Michael stands in front of him talking to him.

I quickly run up to join them.

"Mikey can I just talk to Calum. Please." I say firmly.

He nods and heads back to the cafeteria.

"Calum what's going on?" I ask softly, trying to meet his eyes although he is looking down at the floor.

"I think you know quite well what's going on here kayla! I told you everything last night and you haven't said a word to me today! Everything that comes out of your mouth is Axel this Axel that, and I'm done with it!" He exclaims, straightening up from his slouch on the locker.

I quickly find myself leaning forward and our lips meeting.

I don't know how I got here but I guess my body moved faster than my mind.

When we pull apart I feel so different.

I remember having a crush on Calum when we were little, but I guess maybe that little crush just never truly went away.

Him telling me the truth last night on the phone made me realize how amazing he truly is.

He's more than a friend, and in a way he always has been.

I guess it just took me a while to realize.

"What was that for?" He asks with confusion as her searches my eyes.

"I guess I can to my senses, I don't need all the same jerks, and I don't need to come crying to you about them, all I need is you Calum. It took me a god damn long time but I realize it now, that you are perfect Calum, and I don't want to go another day without having you know that I feel the same way. After things with Axel I don't want a relationship right now, but Calum, I love you. I'll see you after school." I say with affirmation.

I turn to walk to my locker since the bell will ring soon, and I turn around to see Calum cutely biting his lip and throwing his fist on the air.

He's a pretty adorable loser.

(A/N hey guys! Oh my god that chapter took me a while to write since I kept getting side tracked! But here it is and I hoped you liked it!! So what do you think of kaylum?!? I'll be trying to update a lot more whenever I can! Just keep on commenting, voting, and reading! ~ Julia <3 )

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