Good girls are bad girls

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Ashton's POV

After that guy Luke comes out of the auditorium I run in.

I run down and onto the stage before they can say anything.

I don't even care anymore, my girlfriend cheated on me, I got kicked off the football team and I'm failing a bunch of subjects so my chances at college next year are 1 in a million.

"Hi I'm Ashton Irwin and I'll be playing the drums." I gulp while fiddling with my drum sticks.

I walk over to the drums that are set up near the piano and sit down in the little black stool.

"I'm sorry auditions are over mr. Irwin." Calum speaks up.

"Please, I was out of line the other day, and I need music, it's all I have now." I plead.

They all look at eachother and whisper some things.

"Proceed." Kayla says business like as they all sit down again.

I play some simple beats and then escalate it to full on rocking out and I love it.

After a while I finish it off with a cymbal crash.

I put my hand on the cymbal to stop it from moving and look up at them.

"We'll let you know." Michael says firmly.

"Thank you for your time." I huff between my heavy breathing and head out.


Kayla's POV

We start picking up and organizing our papers after Ashton leaves.

"Can I just say that was phenomenal?!?" Calum exclaims.

"Ya, he is exactly what we need to complete this band." Mikey adds.

"I just don't know about having Luke and Ashton in the same band, Ashton bullies Luke a the time." I say.

"True, but maybe he's changed, he said that music is all he has so maybe he just wants to play and make things right." Calum counters.

"I guess, but we should still make sure he apologizes to Luke on the first day of rehearsal, and promises to never bully him again." I finish.

"Then I am happy to announce that we now have a band!" Mikey squeals.

We laugh and walk out of the auditorium once everything is cleaned up.

We go to Calum's house afterwards and go upstairs.

We make the results sheet on the computer.

The poster reads:

The new up and coming band, 5 seconds of summer, would like to welcome the following new members:

Luke Hemmings: guitar/lead vocal.

Ashton Irwin: drums/vocal.

Please contact Kayla Morris for rehearsal schedule, and thank you to all who auditioned.

We print only a few copies and Calum puts them in his backpack so he will bring them tomorrow.

"It's getting late, we should head home, I'll work on the rehearsal schedule." I say after glancing at my phone to read a text.

"Okay see you tomorrow Kay!" Calum says enthusiastically to Mikey and I as we head out the door.

I hug Mikey and he walks down the street to his house and I go the opposite direction to mine.

My phone rings as I approach my house and I answer it.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey are you coming I'm around the corner." Axel says through the phone.

"Ya I just need to grab som stuff." I tell him.

"Ok see you in a few." he says and we both hang up.

Axel is on the football team and is super cute and sweet, we've been seeing each other for a while but don't really want to go public.

I run up to my room after my mom greets me.

I quickly get changed into a light purple dress, put on a pair of wedges, grab my purse, and climb out of my window to the oak tree in my backyard.

I climb down the tree until I'm closer to the ground and hop off.

I look around and see Calum's house.

Shoot, his bedroom light is still on and I bet he saw.

I walk around to the front and head towards where I am meeting with Axel.

"What the hell are you doing?!?" I hear a voice call from behind me.

I turn around to see Calum's confused look.

"Axel." I say with a deep breath.

"Axel Terrigyn? from the football team?" he asks raising am eyebrow.

"I guess I'm not the goody goody you though I was." I say turning away to get to Axel.

I'll explain it to him more tomorrow.


Calum's POV

damn it, I should have know she'd be seeing someone.

I can't believe she's hidden this from Mikey and I, we are her best friends and she trusts us, doesn't she?

This sucks, I wanted to start this band to impress her cause I've liked her for the past 3 years but I've been friend zoned.

I guess I should give it up then, she's taken, she's my best friend, I can't mess things up.

I head back home and go up to my room when this song idea pops into my head.

'Good girls are bad girls'

I start writing right away and the lyrics just flow.

I sing it over.

"Do, doo doo, do do do doo doo doo doo." It starts.

I go over the verse that is a bit rough but I get to the chorus and it's perfect.

"She sneaks out the window to meet with her boyfriend, here's what she told me the time that I caught her: she said to me, forget what you thought, cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." I sing out.

I love it, I need to show it to the guys at our first rehearsal.

Without Kayla around of course.

(A/N hey guys! sorry updating has been kinda slow but I am back on track with more ideas for this story! I really want it to be more popular so please tel your friends about it! just keep voting, commenting, and, of course, reading! ~ Julia <3 )

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