Just a few changes

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Kayla's POV

the boys come running into the kitchen after I brought the pizza in, I swear Mikey has some sort of super nose or something.

They all dig in and I decide to tell them the big news.

"So guys I have something to tell you." I say.

They all look up while they continue eating.

"There's an open mic night at that restaurant uptown and I signed you up for it!" I say excitedly.

"But we're hardly ready!" Luke exclaims.

"Well you have that song you were just working on right?" I ask.

"Well, yeah, but we need to rehearse a lot more." Calum says.

"Still, it's not until next month so you've got time." I say.

They nod in agreement and when they finish eating they go back to rehearsing in the garage.

I listen in a little to the song and I try to guess what made Luke write this.

Luke is so sweet, how could he write something this powerful? It's pretty astonishing, but the guys sound great together.

I step in a bit to tell them I'm going to head out and Luke completely freezes up.

"Um, sorry to interrupt, but just letting you guys know that I'm gonna head out for a bit so if you guys need anything just call me and we can all hang at my place when you're done rehearsing." I inform them.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see that Luke loses some tension and the guys just nod.

I make eye contact with calum and he raises an eyebrow at me and I give him a discreet nod, since he's the only one that knows about Axel and I.

I go back inside and grab my stuff and head to my house.

I drop off all my school stuff and just grab my purse and car keys.

"Heading out again!" I shout to my mom who's in her study.

"Ok, be back for dinner and to be able to do your homework!" she shouts back.

"Ok!" I reply.

I head out and climb into my car.

I drive a bit deep into town and meet Axel at our favourite ice cream shop.

It's really old fashioned with 50's style furniture and great ice cream.

When I walk in I see Axel in a small two person table by the window.

I walk up behind him and give him a kiss on the cheek.

I bend over his shoulder to meet his eyes and he smiles.

"Wanna grab a cone?" He asks and stands up.

"Sure." I say perkily.

He grabs my hand and we walk over to the ice cream counter.

"One scoop of peanut butter blast in a waffle cone please." he orders and then looks at me.

"I'll have one scoop of chocolate brownie, also in a waffle cone." I order and then the lady scoops our ice creams and hands them to us over the counter.

I argue about paying for my own ice cream but Axel insists and pays for both of us.

"So listen..." he says when we sit back down at our table.

"Mhm." I say with a nod.

"Well, we've been together quite a while, and I love you, and I don't want to keep this a secret anymore. I know you don't want to join my group of friends or anything, but I just want you to consider it because I don't want to hide it anymore." He says as he looks into my eyes and holds my free hand across the table.

"Well... I don't know, that's a lot to think about, but I think I wanna do it, I love you too, and the sneaking around is silly, I just want to be with you and not have to worry." I say happily and lean over the table towards him.

He leans in too and we kiss.

All I can think about is what school will be like when people know, I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

We pull apart and just smile at each other and eat our ice cream.

"But won't it be hard to tell people?" I ask.

"Well yeah, but all we have to do is be ourselves with each other instead of acting like we don't know each other. We just need to make a few slight changes." he explains and I just nod and smile.

I can't wait to let people know about how much I love him.

(A/N hey guys! So I know I haven't updated in a while but I'm really trying my best because I want to make this story great. Please comment, vote, and read!! ~Julia <3 )

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