The truth unveiled

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Kayla's POV

people at school took it pretty well when we made it obvious at lunch that we were together.

Axel is so perfect.

I stand at Axel's locker with him and just talk with him while he fills his backpack with his books.

"So what do you want to do today?" I ask eagerly, trying to be cute.

"I've got football practice at 3:00, Want to hang later?" He explains and asks.

"Sure, text me." I say.

"Will do." he says with a smile and gives me a quick peck on the lips as I turn and walk to my locker.

When I read my locker Ashton is waiting there.

"Well hello mr.irwin." I say cheekily.

He giggles a bit, the most adorable giggle I've ever heard, and then his face is dead serious.

"Woah, who have you grinch lessons?" I joke as I open my locker.

"Um, kayla-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Wait, shouldn't you be at football getting ready? You're still on the team right?" I ask curiously.


Ashton's POV

I take a big breath and start explaining.

"That's what I wanted to tell you about, there is no football practice today because mid terms are soon and a lot of the guys need to have extra study time to bring up their average to stay on the team."

"Wait, then why would Axel lie to me? he said he had football at 3:00." she questions.

"Well, let me show you." I say and grab her hand as she closes her locker and pull her out of the school.

I lead her to my beat up car and tell her to get in.

We drive for about 25 minutes until we reach the place where I saw Axel and the other girl.

We hear a bell go off as another high school is letting out.

My phone rings in my pocket as I pull in to an empty parking lot.

I answer it and it's luke.

"Hey, where are you guys, I saw him and her and got the pictures." he explains.

"We're around the corner in the empty parking lot." I tell him.

"Ok, I'll meet you there." he says, and I hang up.

"Ok, what is going on... wait, I-is that Axel....?" She says as her eyes are drawn to two people walking down the street with their hands clasped.

"Uh, yeah, and that girl isn't a relative, luke left school as fast as he could to get down here in time and caught Axel and her. He'll be here soon." I explain, and just as I finish, a car door opens and luke jumps in.

"Hey." he says simply.

"Show me the pictures." kayla demands.

Luke hands his phone to her and she looks through the photos.

Some of hugging, kissing, hand-holding, the whole nine yards.

I see a tear fall down her cheek as she tries to hold it back.

"Is he still there." she asks calmly and I look in the rearview mirror.

"Yeah they just walked into an ice cream shop." I explain.

She lets out a little gasp.

"I'm going in." she says strongly and gets out of the car, slamming the door.


Kayla's POV

I storm towards the ice cream parlour and then walk in calmly.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Axel sitting at the same table we sat at but he is facing away from me.

I buy an ice cream cone of the most disgusting flavour there is and walk towards them just as they lean over the table towards each other.

Just as their lips meet the ice cream is on his head.

He gasps and then stands up quickly and looks right at me.

The expression of sheer terror is on his face.

"Axel what's going on?!?" The blonde says cluelessly.

"Axel seems to think that one relationship just isn't enough so he thought he could juggle two. at the same time." I say slyly.

"AXEL!" The blonde yells and people start to stare.

She reaches for her cup of ice cream and I reach for axels unfinished cone that was dropped on the table.

We both slam it on his head as the ice cream drips down his face.

"I can explain!" He shouts as we walk away.

"Kiss my ass you jerk!" I shout angrily as the blonde and I leave the parlour.

Just as we leave, many of the more elder people start to shout at Axel for cheating. I love when elderly people do that.

I talk to the blonde who's name I discovered is Marissa, and then give her a hug.

We both got cheated on I guess, and for our brief conversation and team work, shes a pretty cool chick.

As Marissa walks away, I walk towards the car again to see Ashton and Luke calmly talking and leaning against the back of the car.

As I get closer I can feel my face heat up as tears spill out of my eyes.

I try to contain myself as I get into the car.

"Chocolate cake. Ice cream. Taylor swift and Adele. Go." I say firmly as I hold back my tears.

I just want to eat junk food. Listen to sad music. And cry.

(A/N hey guys! Sorry about all these random updates, but I have a whole week off of school now so I'll be updating both of my stories a bit more! So, a lot happened in this chapter, what song do you think will be written next? What guy will move in on kayla? Keep on commenting, voting, and reading! ~ Julia <3 )

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