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Kayla's POV

(A week later)

Since we decided on our band name, we put up some flyers around school and auditions are after school today.

I get up and have a quick shower, straighten my hair, put on some light makeup, then go back to my room and put on jean shorts and a blue lace top.

I go downstairs and grab my bag and sweater, put on my converse, grab a banana and head out the door.

"I'll be a bit late home today!" I shout to my mom as I walk outside.

"Ok!" she shouts back.

I run up to the corner to meet up with Mikey and Calum and we link arms jokingly and skip like they do in the wizard of oz, while Calum whistles the tune of 'we're off to see the wizard'.

We laugh and unlink our arms as we get closer to the school.

"I tried to marry a chicken last night..." Calum states weirdly.

"So an average night in the Hood house?" Michael asks with a laugh.

"Well my mom made this really good. Roast chicken and I was just eating it and I was like 'if I could marry this chicken I would!'" he explains.

"Then my little sister Lia was like 'do it then!' so my mom went online and searched for a guy that would officiate the ceremony and when we didn't find a guy that would do it, Lia started crying because she wanted me to marry it so she made me kiss the chicken and she called that the ceremony." He explains more as we come to the front entrance of the school.

"Well then congratulations!" I cheer.

We laugh and go to our lockers.

"So do you think anyone will show up to the auditions today?" Mikey asks.

"I think so, I've heard some people talking about it." Calum answers.

The bell rings and we go to class.


Michael's POV

(End of the day)

I meet up with Calum and Kayla at our lockers and we gather our stuff and head to the auditorium.

There's a bunch of guys and some girls with instruments lined up down the hallway, but I don't see Ashton.

"Ok, welcome everyone! I am going to take your name and what instrument you play and then you will be called in one by one! Good luck to all of you." Kayla announces.

Calum nods to me and we head inside the auditorium to set up the piano in case of any piano players, and drums in case of drummers, and the table where we will all sit.

After about 20 minutes of the two of us getting papers ready, Kayla walks in with the first guy.

She sits down next to us and the guy goes on stage.

"Hi I'm Kyle travers and I'll be playing the trumpet!" Kyle says enthusiastically.

"Whenever you're ready Kyle." Calum tells him.

He begins to play some classical song but he isn't that great.

He finishes and I speak up.

"We'll let you know." I say and he leaves.

About an hour goes by and

We've seen tuba, classical piano, clarinet, and saxophone players and a bunch of terrible singers but a few ok ones, but not one person has the sound we are looking for.

There are about 15 people left and the next guy comes in.

He's blonde with his hair gelled back and he wears glasses, a white button up shirt, blue sweater vest, and black pants with sneakers.

He walks up on stage and he looks kind of familiar.

He sets up his guitar and amplifier and introduces himself.

"Hi I'm Luke Hemmings and I'll be playing and singing 'on top of the world' by imagine dragons." Luke states.

Right! It's the kid that Ashton shoved on the first day of school that we stood up for.

He starts to play and he's actually really good.

He starts singing from the chorus.

" Cause I'm on top of the world, eh!

I'm on top of the world, eh!

Been waiting on this for awhile now, dreaming of this since a child." he sings.

Calum raises his hand to stop him and he does.

Calum leans over to me and Kayla.

"I think he's in, he's the only guy I saw with a guitar and we can kill two birds with one stone by putting him as the singer too!"

Kayla and I nod in agreement and i turn my head and look at Luke.

"Welcome to the band!" I cheer.

He looks amazed and jumps up and down after setting his guitar down.

Then he regains his cool and packs up his guitar and amp, thanks us and leaves.

We start to pick up the papers and Kayla is about to head out to tell everyone auditions are over, but the door swings open.

We turn to see who it is so we can tell them to go but before we know it they have already ran onto the stage.

"Hi I'm Ashton Irwin and I'll be playing the drums." He gulps.

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