Dress to impress

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Kayla's POV

I wake up a bit earlier the next morning and pick out a pair of black high waist shorts and a cropped flower shirt.

I have a quick shower and blow dry and curl my hair.

I do my makeup normally but with a bit of eyeliner today.

I go back into my room and put on my outfit.

I pick out a pair of white converse to wear and then grab my backpack. I grab my favourite perfume and spritz myself a bit and then head downstairs.

My mom has a piece of toast and a banana for me on the table and I sit down and eat it quickly.

I check my phone for the time and if I head to the corner to meet Mikey and calum I may be early.

"Bye mom!" I shout to her as I head out the door.

"Have a good day honey!" She shouts back.

I walk down the street with a huge grin on my face.

I wait at the corner for about 2 minutes before I see Mikey and calum walk towards me.

"Well hello idiots!" I say sarcastically still with a huge smile on my face.

"Well someone's perky this morning..." Michael says suspiciously.

"Uh, erm, well I guess I should tell you guys." I say seriously and link arms with the guys as they come up to me.

Calum raises his eyebrow at me since he already knows about Axel and I just nod.

"So, as Calum already knows, I've been dating Axel for a while, and I'm perky today because, well, we're not going to keep our relationship a secret anymore." I squeal.

"Oh, wow, that's great Kay!" Michael says giving me a punch in the arm.

"Ya. great." Calum says emotionlessly.

That's weird, if he already knew why would he care?

We finally get to school and meet up with Luke and Ashton at Luke's locker. I tell him the news and he's happy for me like Michael was.

Guess Calum just weird today.

Just then Axel comes up beside me and grabs my hand.

"Hey babe." he says sweetly, giving me a peck on the lips.

"Hey, wanna head to class?" I ask him.

"Sure." he says with a smile.

"Catch ya later guys." I say to the boys as I walk hand and hand with Axel down the halls.

I hear some murmurs and see some glares as we walk but I just ignore them and focus on how happy I am with him.

I guess we'll have to confirm everything at lunch.


Calum's POV

Damn it. I thought by now my feelings for kayla would be gone. I'm such an idiot for falling in love with my best friend.

I turn and kick the wall of lockers, rattling the locks.

"Dude?" Michael gives me a look and I look down with guilt.

Michael is the only person I ever told about my feelings for kayla. I told him when we were in the 6th grade and kept him updated on my feelings for her I guess.

He pulls me aside as we walk toward our science class.

"Mate you gotta get over her. 1. She's taken. 2. She's your best friend. and 3. Do you really want to ruin a friendship over a relationship?" He says as we walk.

"Yeah, you're right. Why am I such an idiot?" I blurt.

"I've been asking myself for years why you're such an idiot." Mikey says sarcastically just as the bell goes and I laugh.


Ashton's POV

Shoot. This is not good at all.

Kayla and Axel? Crap, if I knew sooner I would have warned her.

Kayla's my friend now, and Axel is my ex-best friend.

About a week ago I was downtown and I saw Axel with a girl that was definitely not kayla.

She was blonde and a bit short and I could tell they were dating.

I can't believe Axel would go so low as to cheat on people, especially such amazing girls like Kayla.

I guess I'll just tell her after school... probably the hardest thing I'll ever have to explain to a friend.

When the bell rings I walk down the hall talking to luke until we have to go separate ways to our classrooms.

"Text me while your in study period. I need you to help me make a plan." I say to him.

"Uh, okay." he says confused.

I hope Kayla would be okay once I tell her.

(A/N hey guys! So lots of perspectives in this little chappie. I hope you liked it! I'll try to update again in a few days but let me know what you think so far! Keep on voting, commenting, and reading!! ~Julia <3 )

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