The meeting

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Happy's POV:

„We've had some more problems with the Irish.":Jax states and we all nod. „Does someone please have an idea on how to get them to leave?":Jax asks a bit desperately. We all stay silent, deep in thought when there is a knock on the door. We all glance to the door, normally no one disturbs us while church. „Yes?":Clay asks. Kip opens the door and we were about to curse him out when he said:"Theres some men in suits outside, they want to speak to the president." We all look at Clay who frowns and then shrugs and gets up, we all follow as he goes outside to be met with one black SUV and three men standing neatly in one line in front of the car. We all stand back a bit and assess what is going to happen as Clay takes a step forward. One of the bulky men also steps forward and speaks with a slight accent:"Mr. Morrow?" Clay pulls up an eyebrow but then nods. The weird man in a black suit speaks again:"Il capo dei capi wishes to arrange a meeting with the club." We are all helplessly confused of who the fuck he's talking about. „Who is that?":Clay asks the man. „The head of the Italian mafia, sir.":he explains. We all gape at the man. „This is the address and time, if you won't be able to attend you can call the number on the card and we can find a new appointment.":the man continues and holds out a mat black card with some golden letters on it. „What makes him think we'll come?":Clay asks while taking the piece of paper and eyeing it. „Il capo is eager to finally meet you and your club, we have brought a gift for taking your time by speaking to us without an appointment.":he then gestures to the car and two men get out and take out two wooden boxes with some bottles in it. The man continues as the boxes are placed in front of us:"These are some of the finest liquors, since the boss has come to the conclusion that you're most likely more fond of stronger liquor,  there's only a little bit of the finest wine inside." We all gape at him as he nods and the men all get into the cars and drive off. „The fuck?":I speak out loud. „Yo this is like the most expensive wine I've ever seen.":Tig says as he takes out a bottle of fancy looking wine. Jax speaks up:"So are we going?" Clay nods:"I am very interested to meet this capo, and he seems to have a lot of connections. It could be a great opportunity to make new partners." We all agree. „Boys we're going up in the world.":Chibs says and grins, we all smirk and laugh.

The meeting is set this evening at an old factory. We all go, except for the prospects. We arrive there with the bikes five minutes before the meeting is set and as we drive onto the property, we see three SUVs standing there side by side. As we park our bikes opposite of the vehicles and get of our bikes, a few men also get out of the cars. But they all wear the same suits and seem to be security personal. Wheres this capo? Maybe he's not here yet. Just as Jax was about to ask them one of the men spoke up:"The boss will be here in five minutes." Then he gets back into his position and we wait patiently whispering a bit. Exactly after five minutes we hear cars pull up and there comes another black SUV with tinted windows surrounded by five men on black motorcycles. We watch as the SUV parks with the others and a few men get out and get into positions. One man goes to the back of a car and gets out two surprisingly fancy chairs as another gets a table which is also fancy. Just as they get back into position after placing the chairs and the table another man opens the door of the car which arrived last. I take a sharp intake of breath as a young woman gets out of the car. She has curly brown hair which reaches about to her hips, maybe a bit longer. She is quite short and has an athletic body. I take in her curves and have to snap out of my day dream as she approaches us with self confidence and majesty radiating of of her. It is as if you can feel her power just by her presence. I catch a glimpse of her two different colored eyes and her pure beauty. She has an emotionless face as she goes up to the table where Clay meets her and they shake hands. She sits down opposite of him and now has a small smile on her face, without showing her teeth. She speaks up with a slight accent:"I hope you have enjoyed my gift." We all smirk as we remember getting wasted last night and Clay says also with a smirk:"I have to say that some of the best liquor we've had in a while. It was very much enjoyed." She now has a light glimmer in her eyes.

Alessandra's POV:

I smile and say: "Where are my manners, I'm il capo dei capi of the Italian mafia. But I think by now you've already caught up on that." I watch as the man in front of me chuckles and smiles then his face turns serious again and he asks:"We are really curious as of why such a powerful woman would want to meet with a small MC." I nod slowly as I move my gaze over all of the men behind him, one catches my eye and I let my eyes linger a second longer as he looks into my eyes. I turn back to the man, Clay Morrow, in front of me and say:"You have made a name for yourself. And i've heard some rumors that you are also not very fond of the Irish." I spit out the last two words as I speak and see Clay nod and I continue:"I want to offer a partnership. If you want to form an alliance with me, then we could solve some problems and become business partners." I let them take in the information while I gesture to one of the guards, Luca, he comes over and holds out cigarettes and I take one while he lights it for me. I breath in the smoke and then breathe it back out while I see Clay thinking. Luca also offers a cigarette to him which he gladly takes and also lets Luca light it. After a minute of silence Clay speaks up:"If we'd take the offer, what is the catch?" I answer calmly:"I want to get guns from you." „That simple?":Clay asks confused. I nod:"You see we have the same enemies and if we help each other, then we can get rid of them faster." I see him nod. „How would you handle the Irish?":he asks. I lean back a bit and smirk: "I could have them out of your business by tomorrow. I'm not gonna kill all of em if you don't want me to. You can decide which message you want to send to other enemies." They all have shocked faces as I say that and Clay says: "I'll speak to the boys for a second." I nod:"Of course." I lean back and smoke my cigarette while keeping an eye on the man that had peaked my interest. He is tall and deathly handsome. He has short hair and quite a few tattoos much more than me. I only have a few smaller tattoos from my mafia. As they speak about the issue I see him sneak a few glances at me and I smile to myself finding it funny that he also seems to have some sort of interest in myself. After five minutes Clay walks back over here and sits back down. I look him in the eye and tilt my head a bit in question. He holds his hand out: "To our partnership. We'll go for the option where you get them out of our way without killing all of em." I smile as I shake his hand and nod: "We'll be right on that." I turn to Gino, another one of my best guards and speak to him: "Convinci gli irlandesi a tornare da dove vengono. Se non ascoltano, dì ai gemelli che voglio che il problema venga risolto immediatamente. (Get the Irish to go back to where they come from. If they don't listen tell the twins that I want the issue handled immediately.)" Gino nods: „Si Capo." He turns and walks a few steps and calls someone. I turn back to Clay:"I'm working on the issue immediately, I will reach out when its done." I take one last hit of my cigarette and then put it out on the ground and look at Clay as he says: "Perfect. We're already glad to be doing business with you. If you ever need some big bikers to get someone to listen to you, we'll be happy to help." I can't help but chuckle:"I may take you up on that Mr. Morrow." He chuckles:"Clay." I nod:"Alessandra Emilia Maranzano." Clay looks impressed and says:"That name sounds impressive." I chuckle again:"Its quite powerful." He smirks:"Well, its a pleasure doing business with you Alessandra." I nod and was about to say something when Gino came back and said:"Capo." He was about to give me an update when I gesture for him to stop and speak:"You can talk in English around the Sons, Gino." The sons look surprised but Gino only nods and says:"The issue is handled, the Irish are leaving this instant. They say they're sorry for interfering in your business and won't be bothering the sons anymore." I nod:"Thank you Gino." I look back at Clay who looks surprised, I clap my hands together:"Seems like your issue has been handled. You have my number if you need my assistance." We both stand up and shake hands, I turn to the Sons and say:"It is gonna be nice working along side you men, I will have to be introduced to you some time." I smile politely as I salute them and get back into my SUV and we leave under the eyes of the Sons. I smirk, that went much better than planned, and I also found a rather handsome man under them sons. 

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