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Alessandra's POV:

He smirks and closes the distance between us. I have to look up to look into his eyes. He gently cups my face and studies it while I wrap my arms around his waist. „You're so beautiful.":He whispers in his deep raspy voice, I feel a shiver run over my body and then look into his eyes again and lean in just as he does. Our lips meet in a deep and loving kiss. We pull away after a minute to catch our breath and then lean back in again and deepen the kiss. I kiss down his neck and then kiss back up to his jawline and am then pulled back into a deep kiss. Then he kisses down my neck and to my collarbone and I grab his shirt tighter as I feel his lips on my skin. After another kiss we slowly pull away and he smirks at me:"We should do this more often." I smirk back:"Oh we will, tesoro." „You can't do this to me and always speak Italian that turns me on.":He speaks with a groan as he has to readjust his jeans after the make out session and me speaking Italian. I smile and then pull him into one kiss by grabbing his belt and pulling him close. Afterwards I whisper:"Lets go back downstairs amore." He shakes his head with a chuckle:"Thats not fair." He takes my hand and leads me back to the bar where the others are waiting for us.

He puts his hand to the small of my back while leading us to two open seats next to each other. „Where have you guys been?":Tig asks with a smirk. I smirk back:"Abbiamo pomiciato.(We made out.)" They all don't understand me and Tig asks:"What?" I smile:"He helped me unpack." I see Happy try to hide a smirk and shift in his seat. I don't wait for them to react and ask:"Do you still have some wine for me?" A few nod and moments later I'm handed a fresh bottle and a glass. „Does someone want to join me for a glass?":I ask with a smile as they all shake their heads or gesture to their drinks. I nod and pour me a glass. I take the glass in my hand and take a sip and sigh:"Perfezione.(Perfection.)" I savor the taste and smile at the taste. „You really like your wine don't you?":Chibs asks. I shrug:"Sì, lies in the genetics." They all chuckle and I ask:"So what are you guys doing the next few days? I mean I don't have to leave for business so I could assist if you want." „We have a meeting with the niners, we don't really like them but we have to. You could tag along.":Clay says. I nod and take another sip of wine. I look at my watch and see its only 4pm so I've got an idea:"Wheres your kitchen?" They're all a bit confused but gesture to a door. I smile and nod my thanks and walk into the kitchen and look inside to see what we're working with. They actually have a lot of food so I start some spaghetti dough and also pizza dough. I also ask one of the guards to get me a noodle machine and he arrives about 20 minutes later just as I finished with the doughs and am getting ready to start the cooking. „Thanks Gino.":I say to him and he nods and then leaves for his post again. I cook for about an hour when I hear someone open the door I don't turn around but feel hands on my waist a bit later so I turn my head to look up at Happy and smile and then turn back to cooking. „What are you making?":He whispers in my ear in a deep husky voice and I feel the goosebumps on my skin as I smile:"Dinner, some pasta and Pizza." He presses featherlight kisses to my shoulders and neck as I try to concentrate on cooking. „It smells delicious already.":He states. „Thank you amore.":I say gently and turn my head and kiss him but then continue working. „Do you need any help little one?":he asks while laying his head on top of mine. "Hmm you guys could set the table, food should be ready in ten, tesoro." I feel him nod:"On it." He presses another kiss to my head and then leaves to get the guys to set the table. Ten minutes later they enter the kitchen to help me with the shit ton of food. They place the food down while I sit down next to happy where my wine is still standing. „I've gotta say this looks great. Thank you Alessandra.":Bobby says and I nod: „No problem, I like cooking." „You gotta say it is a bit weird, when does a mafia boss ever cook for someone?":Juice jokes and I have to stifle a laugh. We all dig in and the guys all comment that it is the pasta and pizza they've ever had. I have to say it is pretty good, but I have made better ones.

„Il Capo?":I heard one of the guards from the doorway. I look up at Luca:"Sì?" „Gli uomini di New York hanno avuto dei problemi. Sono al telefono.(The men in New York had some problems. They're on the phone.)" „Dammi il telefono.(Give me the phone.)":I state already getting irritated. He nods and walks over and hands me the phone. I take it and stand up and walk over to the bar and sit down there to talk. „Sì?":I ask in a irritated tone. I hear a nervous voice:"Our men have had some problems with a local gang il Capo." „Parli anche italiano?(Do you even speak Italian?)":I ask really annoyed. Luca hands me a lit cigarette to calm my nerves which I gladly take. „Only a bit.":the man says confused. „It can't be that hard for you to deal with one tiny gang.":I state trying to calm down. „How do you know that?":the man snaps. I stop all motion and ask irritated to see if he has noticed his mistake:"Cosa hai detto?( What did you say?)" „I asked how you could know that.":He snaps. I take a deep breath and then set my cigarette down and begin to let my anger out:"Cosa ti fa pensare di poter parlare con me in quel modo? Come hai mai osato parlarmi in inglese e mancarmi di rispetto. Avrai le tue conseguenze, pezzo di merda. Non posso crederti stronzo. Manderò laggiù il Torturatore e risolverà il problema, ma ti pentirai di avermi parlato in quel modo, figlio di puttana.(What makes you think you can talk to me like that? How do you even dare speak in english to me and disrespect me. You will get your consequences you piece of shit. I can't believe you asshole. I'll send the Torturer over there and he will solve this problem but you will regret ever speaking to me like that you motherfucker.)" I don't wait for an answer but throw the phone through the room and it shatters on a wall, Luca doesn't show any surprise but the club is very surprised by my anger. Luca hands me my glass of wine and I take a big sip. „Get il Torturatore to New York and make sure he solves the problem. Kill that other piece of shit and search for a fit person to step up.":I order Luca and he nods and picks up the pieces of the phone. I call Luca back:"Luca, sorry about the phone." He has a small smile:"No problem il Capo." I nod as he takes of outside. The Sons are dead silent while I try to calm down. They don't make a sound as I inhale the smoke and slowly breath it out feeling more calm than before. After a few drags of the cigarette and a few sips of wine I feel calm enough to make some human interactions again and walk back to the table and explain:"Mi dispiace, I tend to get angry at some idiots rather quickly." „No worries, I gotta say and I think I speak for all of us here, we don't want to fuck you off.":Clay states as the others chuckle. I also chuckle a bit:"I try my best." 

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