The fight

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The Sons are confused while we all jump up and prepare ourselves and I say: "They're here." The sons also make themselves ready as the first sounds of fighting can be heard. My men are holding the Mayans up so they don't get inside that fast. After about some time we slowly move outside and join the fight. The Mayans are clearly unprepared for us being prepared or well the italian mafia being here and assisting the fight. We fight for about ten solid minutes when we're are sure that there are no more enemies. So we all meet back outside up front, I have a slightly cut lip but that's it. Xavier immediately comes up to me as he sees the cut lip. All eyes are on us as he asses me and checking me for more injuries. He frowns and looks around to seek for someone to beat up. I try to distract him and ask:"Wheres Xander?" He looks to me and then looks around the parking lot not seeing Xander anywhere. „I don't know, where did you see him last?":he asks. I think back a bit when I see Xander being held in an arm lock by a men of the Mayans. Xander looked pissed as fuck as did we now. I felt rage build up inside me and I took my knifes in my hands and walk towards the man that dares to touch my brother. He looks like he doesn't know who the fuck he's messing with. Out of the corner of my eye I see that everyone has now seen what's going on and the sons are back in fighting stances, ready to back me up. I turn back to the tall man holding my baby brother. „What the fuck do you think you're doing? You think you can touch my baby brother without seeing the consequences? Or even more threatening him? Do you even know who you're messing with? Piccolo pezzo di merda, mi assicurerò che tu soffra.(You little piece of shit, I'm gonna make sure you suffer.)":I speak with a venom laced voice and see the Sons being surprised by my change in demeanor. The man shrieks back a bit and his grip on Xander loosens a bit, so he elbows him in the gut. Xander takes a step to the side, he knows exactly he wouldn't be able to stop me. I stalk towards the man who's now on the ground with power seething from my veins each step I take. My anger builds up even more as I see the man trying to run. I stop him by grabbing his collar and taking one of the knives and pull it to his throat. I see his blood pouring out as I set the knife to his throat. I look into his eyes and see pure anger. I smirk at him. I pull the knife back only to knock him out. I look at my guards and say:"Porta quello stronzo nella stanza.(Get that fucker to the room.)" They nod immediately and say:"Si Capo." I watch as they put him into one of the SUVs and drive of. I turn around and look at Xavier and Xander who are standing side by side along the Sons. I look at Xander and asses him for any injuries. „I'm fine sorella.":Xander promises. I pull up an eyebrow at him. „I have to go, I've got some business to take care of.":I say to the Club in a emotionless voice, they nod immediately I turn to the twins and look them over once again and speak to the guards:"Bring the twins back home. And don't let them go out until I'm back, tell mamma et papà that I'm gonna be there in a few." They nod and I don't wait for a verbal answer as I take one of the motorcycles and speed of towards the warehouse where the room is where we take care of troublemakers.

Happy's POV:

When she spoke to us after the incident her whole demeanor had changed, she was emotionless. Even her brothers knew not to speak against her will. She told the guards something about the twins and then jumped on the motorcycle that was nearest to her. Xavier groans which lets everyone look at him as he scolds Xander:"You just had to get yourself captured didn't you? Now she's pissed. She won't stop until he's in pieces you know that." Xander glares back:"You know exactly its to late to change anything. We'll get our ass beat when we get home." We all watch their interaction with interest. After a minute they turn to us and say:"Alessandra will call if she needs anything, you might not reach her directly for the next few days but we'll be reachable." We nod and they also drive of. „So you don't mess with family.":Tig concludes. „Yeah you defiantly don't do that.":Jax says. We all nod and I add:"But you guys have to admit it was hot when she was angry." They all chuckle at my comment. „Have you found out what she's always calling you in Italian?":Jax asks interested. I shake my head:"No idea, but I'll find out one way or another." I hear a few chuckles around me.

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