The issue is handled

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We finish dinner and the boys insist on clearing the table so I sit down on one of the couches and take out my laptop and start some work. I hear the boys joining me on the couches around me and I'm handed a glass of wine, I look up and see Happy smiling at me and I take the glass:"Grazie il mio amore." He smirks as he sits down next to me and lays his arm behind me over the couch. „Its no problem at all little one.":He answers into my ear. „What are you doing?":he asks interested but not looking onto the screen of my laptop. I turn it towards him gesturing towards him to look at it. He shifts his gaze towards my laptop and looks at the pictures of one of my mansions I'm looking at. „Damn thats quite beautiful.":he states as he also looks at the pictures of the property. „That yours?":I hear Jax ask from behind us and turn to see him looking at the pictures. I nod:"I just renovated it, seems like they're just finished with it." A few more of the guys come around to look at the pictures. „I gotta say you are rich, rich.":Kip says from behind us. I laugh:"Comes with the business." „Do you live alone in that huge ass mansion?":Tig asks unbelieving. „Yeah I do, well the twins often just come over and basically live there when they are pissing my parents off, which is actually a few times a week.":I chuckle. „You guys should visit some time.":I state and look at their surprised faces at which I chuckle. „That would be great, I've never been in Europe.":Tig states. I nod:"Then it shall be arranged once I'm out of this sticky situation." They all nod eagerly. After a few hours I go upstairs take a shower and basically fall into bed. Just as I landed on the bed I heard the door open and Happy walks in, he chuckles as he sees me laying face down on the bed. I feel the bed dip under him as he lays next to me and gently caresses my face. I smile a tired smile as I turn to him. He leans down and kisses me for a second and then lays the blanket over my tired body. He plants a kiss on my head and whispers:"Goodnight love." I smile a tiny smile and whisper:"Buonanotte amore mio.(Goodnight my love.)" I immediately fall asleep after the last word leaves my mouth and sleep tight.

The next morning I awake to loud talking, I groan and bury my head in my pillow. The conversation keeps on going, I'm not used to this much noice because I normally live alone and certainly not with that many people who are so verbal. My brothers are more quiet and tend to leave me alone in the mornings because I am certainly not a morning person. After five minutes of not being able to fall back asleep I groan and go into the bathroom and take a shower and get dressed quickly. I choose a basic all black outfit and then apply some light makeup. I'm still far from being awake and make my way downstairs where I see all the Sons already eating breakfast together and my guards are also all lined up next to the door. They all immediately perk up as they see emerge from the door and straighten their posture as they see me. „Buongiorno capo.(Good morning boss.)":Luca says to me, all my guards know of my bad morning moods so no one else says anything. Seems like they've told the Club that I'm not in a good mood in the morning. I sit down next to Happy who shoots me a smile which almost makes me smile too. Gino comes out of the kitchen and hands me some espresso which I acknowledge with a nod. I sip on the espresso and let the taste savor and enjoy it. I'm now slowly waking up and my mood seems to brighten up as I sip on the liquid. After a few sips I look around the table acknowledging the men around me and manage a:"Buongoirno signore.(Good morning gentlemen.)" You see in the morning I sometimes don't manage to speak English just yet, but they should understand that. „Good morning Alessandra.":Happy says to me with a small smile which I return. I lean back a bit and enjoy the slight chatter that now is around me. „Il Capo.":Lucas voice breaks my day dream and I nod to him to continue, but gesture for him to speak in English, I find it more comforting to listen to and the others should understand it too. „The issue in New York has been handled, we have a new person in charge over there. Also your brothers have called to inform me that the rat has been identified.":he explains. My mood brightens a bit more and I smile at the good news but then I get a tiny bit of rage towards the rat that dares to disrespect my mafia:"Has the rat been taken care of?" Luca stays pretty emotionless but you can see a bit of anger for a second:"Your brothers have brought him to the room at your house in Italy." I smile:"Thank you Luca, make the jet ready for tonight. And tell the twins not to break anything in my house while I'm gone." He nods with a small smile. I lean back a bit and say:"This is a great morning." I hear chuckles and Clay asks:"So are you still coming to the meeting with the niners?" I nod:"As long as you'll want me to." They all smile and nod. „We're leaving in 20.":Clay states and I nod as do the others. As the others return their conversations I turn to happy and ask:"Will I be riding with you, amore mio?" He smiles as he lays his arm over my chair behind my head and says:"Of course." I smirk and lean my head against his arm just enjoying this embrace for a second. „Perfect.":I say with a smile. After a while Happy leads me to his bike and I get on behind him after putting on a helmet he gave me. I wrap my arms around his waist and lean against his back as he grabs one of my legs and pulls me flush against his back. „You ready love?":He asks me. „Sì amore.":I smile and he follows the other bikes.

The meeting with the niners went smoothly and I had no regrets about riding with Happy. When we arrived back at the club house the three SUVs were already ready to pick me up and some of my men had gathered all my stuff already so I could leave towards Italy to handle some business immediately. I get off the bike behind Happy and hand him the helmet he gave me. I hug him and kiss his cheek:"See you soon amore mio." He smiles:"I hope so, I've gotta see that house of yours." I smirk and salute:"Already working on it amore mio." I turn to the other Sons and smile:"See you guys in a few." They all say their goodbyes and then I get into one of the cars and get ready to leave. 

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