The favor

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Two weeks later and we haven't heard anything from her, I'm starting to get worried about her well being. I'm working on a car right now when my phone starts when my phone starts ringing.

„Hello?":I ask in a rough voice. „Ciao amore.":I hear the wonderful voice of Alessandra, I can't hide the smile that makes it way onto my face. „Alessandra?":I ask with a smile. I hear the smile in her voice:"Sì, Ive got a favor to ask." I'm immediately worried:"Sure, what is it?" I hear a chuckle:"I need to lay low for a few, can I lay low at the clubhouse?" „Of course, I'll tell Clay in a sec.":I answer. Alessa answers:"Thank you Tesoro(sweetheart)." „No worries.":I smile. „Ciao amore.":she says before she hangs up. I have a smile on my face as I put the phone back in my pocket and made my way to the clubhouse. When I get there I see a few of the guys sitting at a table and chatting. „Clay?":i ask. His head turns to me and he nods and I speak: "I've got a call from Alessandra, she needs to lay low and has asked to stay here for a few." „Ah, I've been getting worried about her, that's not gonna be a problem.":clay says. I nod and smile at the thought of seeing the Italian beauty again. „Man you're whipped.":Tig states which earns him a few chuckles and I shake my head with a smile. I text Alessa that its not gonna be a problem and she says she'll be there in a hour. „She'll be here in a hour.":I state.

In that hour we prepare the room and make sure everything is set for her. At exactly one hour later we hear a SUV arrive.We all go outside and watch as Alessa and the twins get out and quickly get inside. Alessa is wearing black skinny jeans and a hoodie, but she still looks sexy. Her hood is up and as we all go inside after her, she puts it down and greets us:"Ciao, thank you for letting me stay here." We all nod and I smile as I see her look over to me also with a smile. „If I may ask, what is the reason?":Jax asks politely. We all watch as the siblings tense up and Xander speaks darkly:"We have a rat." „If you need help with the issue we're happy to help.":Chibs speaks up. „Thats nice, but we're handling it.":Alessa says in a calm voice. A guard from outside says:"Dobbiamo andarcene ora, signori.(We have to leave now, sirs.)" The twins sigh and Xavier speaks:"Can't we stay with you, sorella?" We watch as Alessa shakes her head and they both sigh. Xander musters us all and his eyes narrow a bit at me as I hold his gaze:"If we get back here and she's got a scratch we're gonna-„But before he can finish that sentence Alessa interrupts:"Porta fuori il culo, Rico dice che devi andartene.(Get your asses outside, Rico says you have to leave.)" Xavier comes up to her and speaks in soft voice:"Non morire piccolo, ti amo.(Don't die little one, I love you.)" He also kisses her cheek as she answers:"Anche tu, ti amo stupido.(You too, I love you stupid.)" They both smile as Xander comes up and says:"Ti amo. Rimanga sicuro.(I love you. Stay safe.)" And she says back:"Ti amo stupido." He Xander smiles and kisses her cheek and then they relunctuly leave. „Come on we'll show you the room.":Jax says and Alessandra smiles as Jax and I lead her to the room that was prepared for her. I carry her small bag for her and set it down on the dresser in the room. „Thank you.":she says to Jax and he nods and walks out of the room and closes the door. „Its nice to see you again, we've been worried.":I state truthfully as I sit down on the edge of the bed as I watch her put away her stuff. „I've been busy with the new issue and wasn't able to call.":she answers a bit sadly. I state: "Hopefully you're safe here." Alessa turns around to me and has a small genuine smile on her face:"I should be tesoro." I stand up with a smile and take a few steps towards her:"You know I really wanna know what you're always calling me in Italian." I watch as she smirks as she also comes closer:"Sì." I groan a bit:"You know how hot it is when you speak Italian?" After I've taken a step towards she also steps forward with a small chuckle:"I'm starting to get an idea amore. Is it as sexy as you're deep voice?" 

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