Assistance needed

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The next few weeks I have been doing regular business with the sons. I am currently in Italy with the twins. „Capo, Clay Murrow per te.(Boss, Clay Morrow for you.)":I heard Domenic tell me and I look up from my laptop, and the twins also look at it interested. I take the phone and lean back. „Yes?":I ask. „Alessandra sorry for bothering, we have some issues with the Mayans, I don't know if you are familiar with them. But they're our rival MC.":Clay explains. „I can be back in the US in 14 hours.":I say as I nod to Gino and he nods back and goes to make sure the private jet is ready for take off. „Thank you Alessandra, we would be thankful for some more firepower in assistance.":Clay explains sounding relieved. „We'll do, shall I come to the Compound?":I ask. „That would be perfect":Clay says. I nod:"I'm on my way." And then I hang up. I look to my brothers who are already looking like they're coming anyway and I roll my eyes as they shoot out of their seats and walk out to the cars on either side of me. We call our men and also our men in California to make sure everything is ready. The flight only takes us 13 hours and as we get out of the plane the vehicles are awaiting us already. This time there are five cars and we are surrounded by about 10 motorcycles. My brothers and I get into the middle car and we drive of immediately. My brothers are sitting on either side of me, they both tower over me by far and also have curly brown hair. Their eyes are both grey like my left one. They look almost identical, but Xaviers hair is a bit darker and also the way they walk, talk and all that show a lot of differences once you know them. The drive from the airport takes a good 20 minutes. When we pull-up to the clubhouse all the Sons are standing in front of the clubhouse waiting for our arrival. They seem surprised by the mass of men we arrive with. I wait for the guards to be in place when someone opens the door for us. Xavier gets out, which seems to surprise the Sons, because they were sure I was gonna step out of the car first. Xander gets out on the other side and is immediately next to Xavier as they both hold out their hands for me to take. I roll my eyes a bit at them but take their hands as I exit the vehicle under the eyes of everyone on the property. I see Clay and walk towards him with my brothers on either side of me a step behind me. I smile at Clay and hold my hand for him to shake: "Clay." He nods with a smile: "Alessandra." I smile: "So where is this going down?" He smirks:"Come on in, we'll sit down and tell you all information we have." I nod and walk beside him inside. Before I go in I gesture to the guards to stay outside. They eventually move back to the cars, not really liking the idea. Inside I am met with a lot of the bikers and some women, probably their wives or girlfriends. I follow Clay to a meeting room and sit down in a chair, that the man I have some interest in, gestures to. I now sit opposite of Clay as the rest of his men pile in. The twins are standing behind me a few steps and I know they're glaring at them from the faces of the sons, I turn around slowly in my seat and glare back at Xavier and Xander. Xavier sees my glare and immediately finds the ground really interesting, while Xander still stares at the bikers. Xavier elbows him in the ribs which earns him a slap to the back of the head. Xavier hits Xander back. I turn back to see all sons looking at them with a bit of amusement I smile sweetly:"Sorry for them. Give me a minute." They nod and I stand up and have to look up a bit to look at these idiots. They don't really realize I'm in front of them so I slap them both hard on the back of the head, which causes them to stop in their fight. „Hai finito?(Are you finished?)" They look down and I huff:"Ragazzi, vi comportate come bambini.(You guys are acting like children.)" They look down ashamed and Xander speaks up:"Scusa Alessa.(Sorry Alessa.)" I shake my head and sit back down I look at the men and explain:"I guess I can introduce you to my brothers. Xavier and Xander, some may say they're complete children." The men chuckle and I can hear Xavier and Xander mutter things Italian I shake my head:"Guys I can literally hear you." Xavier speaks up:"Sorry Al." I huff:"Lets forget about these idiots and get to business." They all nod and a blonde guy begins:"The Mayans are staring to advance onto out property and we have heard that they're planing to attack the clubhouse this evening.We want to conquer their attack and make them regret it." I smirk:"So pretty easy, you want to fuck em up." They all nod and I also nod:"We can definitely help with that." I grin then I turn to Xavier and Xander and say:"Get the men ready and you two are not allowed to fight until you have apologized to the Sons for being stupid idiots, capiche?" Xavier and Xander both groan but when they look at me they know I am dead serious so they glance at each other and speak towards the men, well more me:"Scusa." I roll my eyes and wave them off:"That wasn't what I meant but I'll let you get away with it." They smirk and go out of the room. I turn back around and say:"Damn babysitting them is getting worse and worse." I hear laughs and I myself also chuckle. I look around the table and then I ask:"Ah I almost forgot, if that's okay I'd like to be introduced to you gentlemen." They all chuckle and introduce themselves and I hold short conversation with them individually and then I turn to the handsome man and ask:"And what's your name di bell'aspetto? (Handsome)" I see a few of the men around us trying to hide their smirks and knowing looks as he also smirks:"Happy, nice to meet you." I chuckle:"Contento huh, nice choice of name." He chuckles and asks interested:"What did you call me before?" I smirk:"Hm wouldn't you like to know." He chuckles and shakes his head as I get up and look at my watch, one hour left until the fights gonna go down. „I'm gonna change into more practical clothes, sì.":I say gesturing to my business clothes that I'm wearing. „You're gonna fight?":Happy asks me. I chuckle: "Whatcha think I was gonna do, see ya in a sec piccolo.(babe)" I smirk at him and walk outside to the car. I get inside and take the bag of clothes and am very happy that you can't see through the tinted windows from the outside. I can see all the guards and my brothers standing around the car making sure no one was gonna open a door. I get dressed in black tights and I also change into a black top and put a bullet prove vest over the top and place all my knifes in their spots on it. Then I pull on a black leather jacket over it and put my hair in a ponytail. I change into some sneakers and check my makeup in the mirror then I knock on the window of the door and the boys step aside and open the door for me and Xander holds out his hand again. I take it and then go back inside the clubhouse followed by my men, besides for a few who are driving the cars away to be less noticeable and a few who are hiding in the shadows outside and watching the outside. Inside we are greeted by the Sons and they are still in the same outfits from before and are smirking at my attire as they see the knives. I smirk and make my way to the bar but before I can get there Happy is next to me and whispers: "I've gotta say you look drop dead sexy in a bullet prove vest." I smirk at him as we sit down next to each other:"Why thank you, you also look rather appetizing, piccolo." Right at the last word I see my brothers and guards standing next to us, also the Sons have heard some parts of the conversation. Xander pulls up an eyebrow:"Piccolo?" Xavier also looks at me questionably and I look them in the eyes and glare at them. „Sorella, dai, siamo qui da cinque minuti e ti interessa già un uomo? Dai, non possiamo stare al passo con tutti gli uomini a cui abbiamo dovuto grattare gli occhi per guardarti. (Sister, come on we have been here like five minutes and you are already interested in a man? Come on, we can not keep up with all the men whos eyes we had to scratch out for looking at you.)":Xander groans. Xavier adds:"Giusto, e ora lo chiami piccola, non vogliamo ucciderlo già. (Right, and now you are calling him babe, we don't want to kill him already.)" Everyones eyes is on us as I only chuckle and turn around to them:"Comprimilo.(Zip it.)" I don't have to say anything else for them to shut up they both shake their heads but then look at me with a smirk and Xander asks with joy in his voice:"Aspetta, ti piace davvero?(Wait do you actually like him?)" I roll my eyes but nod. They both gasp and Xavier smirks:"Quando è il matrimonio?(When is the wedding?)" „Vaffanculo.(Fuck you.)":I say to them but can't help but chuckle as I flip them of. „Okay what the fuck just happened?":Juice asked confused. The other bikers nod, my guards have some knowing smirks on their faces. And Jax adds:"Cause like in the beginning they were like in killer mode and then they turned into high school girls."

I laugh and then turn to the twins:"Sono solo degli idioti. (They're just being idiots.)" That causes them to huff and roll their eyes. „Stronza.(Asshole.)":Xavier says in a playful manner so I shoot back:"Testa di cazzo.(Dickhead)" „Cazzone(prick)":Xander says while trying to hide a smirk. „Coglione(Fucker)":I smirk at them. Xavier takes a bit to answer which makes it hard for me not to laugh at them:"Fifone.(wimp)" I know they're running out of insults:"Cretino.(Idiot)" They both look a bit clueless so Xander says:"Stupido.(Stupid)" I hide a chuckle:"Pezzo di merda.(You piece of shit.)" „Whyyyyy do you always win?":Xavier whines. I grin in return and pat his shoulder and coo:"Aww Xav shall I call Nonna and ask her to come and stop you from crying?" Xander laughs at Xaviers face as he glares at me:"One time. Una volta. It was just once." Xander bursts out laughing and it takes everything in me to not burst out laughing too, after Xander calms down he says:"Yeah we know fratello, and we're not gonna let that go anytime." I smile a bit at them and then turn to the Sons when someone clears their throat, Jax. They all look completely confused as I smile at them I laugh and explain:"When we have a disagreement we tend to clear it up in Italian, sorry you couldn't follow." Their confused glances turn into amused ones and they laugh at our childishness. I return to my mission to go to the bar where I'm met with a young man he looks at me and introduces himself:"Kip." I nod and ask:"You don't have wine do you?" I chuckle at the laughter that echoes through the bar:"I take that as a no." „I think we may still have some of that wine of yours, we only made it through five bottles, we aren't that big wine drinkers.":Clay says and Kip runs of outside the room and comes back a second later with a bottle of the beautiful red wine. He hands it to me and a glass follows soon after. I grin at the wine and smile as I pour me some. „Are you a wine enthusiast?":Tig asks. I scoff and Xavier answers for me:"Don't get between her and her wine that's the thing you should know." I chuckle, but soon stop because it is true. „Wait Maranzano, isn't that your last name?":chibs asks as he takes the bottle and reads the etiquette I smile and take the bottle back while sipping on my glass of wine and nodding slowly. „We have other businesses than the ones you know me from.":I say calmly. „Thats cool, you're probably loaded.":Juice comments. I don't answer as one of the guards from outside yells:"Imboscata!(Ambush!)" 

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