The visitors

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Once we arrive at the airport I am immediately welcomed into my private jet and we lift of soon after. About 14 hours later I arrive in Rome and my drivers drive me to my huge property far out of the city but not to far. The huge gates open for the vehicles and close behind us and we drive to the mansion which is about 10 minutes away with the car. As the car stops right in front of the entrance I get out and greet my guards here in Italy and then go inside. I don't really know where my brothers are but I firstly set priorities and go outside and whistle in a high note. I immediately hear my baby's running towards me and turn around to look at them and greet them with cuddles and kisses. My babies are four dogs. Firstly we have Aberto („Noble"), he's an all black pitbull. Aberto is the definition of a gentle giant, but when someone decides to mess with his pack, which includes me, he is more than able to ruff, the person which threatens them, up a bit. Then there is Armanno („Soldier"), he's an all black cane corso and he's just like Aberto, he doesn't shy away from a challenge. He's kinda on the lazy side but he is the most loyal living thing I have ever met. Then we have Aldo („Rich"), he is a black Doberman. He hardly leaves my side and when he does he doesn't do it gladly and he gets pretty whiny about leaving me. Aldo is the baby of the group but he isn't weaker because of that. The last one of my babies is Alto („Wolf"), he's the smartest out of the bunch and has the deepest connection to me, he's a wolf but he listens to me perfectly, I'm pretty sure that he understands me. I love all of them equally and wouldn't give them up for anything. I cuddle all of them and give them scratches and at some point I was on the ground with them all over me and I giggle as they lick me. After a few minutes I get up still laughing and then ask them:"Ragazzi, sapete dove sono i miei fratelli?(Do you guys know where my brothers are?)" Alto and Aberto are immediately walking towards the mansion and I follow them with Armanno and Aldo on my left and right. The pack leads me inside and then they all sit in front of the stairs that lead downstairs towards the basement. I smile and pet them and give them all kisses on the head between the ears and then go downstairs leaving them in front of the stairs. They aren't allowed down here and they know it, sometimes they are allowed to go down here on special occasions but those are rare. Sometimes I take them down and let them growl a bit to scare someone. I go down a hall and make my way towards the darkest room in my whole house and leave my phone outside of it in a box in which I also see my brothers phones. I set up the rule of no phones inside the room cause I don't want no distractions while doing an interrogation. Once I open the door I see the twins in front of the man that ratted us out, the man has some bruises and looks pretty broken already. Xavier and Xander turn around as they hear me enter and smile at me and walk away from the rat to let me get to work. I ruffed him up a bit and then left him with the twins to finish the job while I went back upstairs. While I was cuddling the dogs I got an idea and called Happy. He picked up and asked:"Hey Alessa, what's wrong? You okay?" I smiled and chuckled:"I am doing very good, Happy. Nothing is wrong." „Thats good, how was the flight?":he asked and sounded relieved. „It was good, I wanted to ask you something?":I ask. He answered:"Yeah sure, what is it?" „Well, I told you I was gonna show you guys my house, so amore, are you guys free the next few days?":I ask boldly. „Hell yeah we are.":Happy chuckled. I chuckle too:"Thats great, one question, do you guys wanna take your own motorcycles or I could organize you some Harleys over here." „You don't have to do that, we can take a few days without our bikes.":Happy states. „Okay so I'll have some bikes ready for you.":I ignore him and chuckle and he chuckles too. „I can have the plane ready for you by tomorrow morning, some of my guys will come get you guys so you don't have to leave your bikes at the airport. You don't have to worry about anything but packing for yourself.":I continue. „You're to generous Lis.":Happy says and I can hear the smile in his voice. I smile:"Its seriously no problem, and now get your ass to church and inform the others and greet them from me amore." I hear him laugh: "We'll do love, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." „See you tomorrow amore." After that we both hang up and I cuddle the dogs for a bit until I go upstairs into my bedroom with the dogs trailing behind me. I go and take a shower and eat some dinner with the twins and they go to bed because they're exhausted just like me. I go to bed shortly after them and get under the blanket with the dogs laying on my bed beside me, Armanno is kinda crushing me but I move a bit so its really comfortable again. I fall asleep in no time.

I wake up to Aldo licking my face and I pull a grimace and grumble as I get up but I still give all of them their kisses and cuddles. After that I go downstairs to make them food which consist of some fresh flesh and some oils for healthy fur and all that. I make myself some coffee and look outside and then go on the porch and take in the morning air, normally I'm not a morning person but I actually kinda like this. After my coffee I go back inside and eat some breakfast. I then go upstairs and decide I'm gonna take the dogs for a ride with one of my horses so I get dressed in the right attire. Before I get dressed tho, I go into the bathroom and get ready for the day. When I'm dressed in the right clothes I go into the rooms of the twins but can't find them so I go to the dinging room and see them sitting there. I kiss their cheeks and say:"I'm going to take the pack for a ride, also the Sons will be arriving some time today." They both nod and also kiss my cheek. I whistle and then walk with the dogs towards the stables. At the stables I take out one of my most dearest horses, Caprice („Fanciful, Unpredictable"), he's a graceful and beautiful black Frisian. Ive had him for almost as long as the pack so they all get along perfectly which is why I'm taking him out for a ride and not some of the younger and more unpredictable horses. I saddle Caprice up and then lead him outside and get on. I immediately smile as I've missed riding and make my way on the route into the woods on my property. When I go horse back riding I often lose track of time so after what feels like minutes a few hours have gone by so I make my way back towards the stable which is exactly next to the house. When I'm almost out of the woods I can hear a group of motorcycles and a few cars approach the property. I smile at the thought of seeing Happy again, and Ive gotta say, even the other men have grown on me. Suddenly all the motor noice stops and I guess that they've all arrived. Now I'm able to see the mansion in the distance and after a few minutes I also see a big group of men emerge from the house and are now siting on the terrace. I speed up a bit and I feel Caprice starting to enjoy the ride more and the dogs are also happily speeding but and playing with each other a bit. Once we are close enough for the dogs to see the large group of men they stop playing and tense up and start growling and shoot towards the group. Two of them get up, Xavier and Xander to show the dogs that they are not intruders but that only slows them a bit so I whistle and command them to come back they are immediately back at my side as I take on the last few meters towards the group of men. I smile as they all get up and also smile at me. I get off of Caprice and then pet him and give him a few treats. I take of the saddle and snaffle and let him go so he can run free a bit. I set the equipment down and then turn back towards the group and smile at them. „Hi guys, didn't expect to see you here so soon.":I state as I engulf Happy in a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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