The competition

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The next day, the Gaang and Haru went to the gymnasium where the competition was being held.

"Aang, how are we supposed to find Katara in this crowd?" Sokka asked as they got to there seats.

"She'll text me when she gets here," Aang said glancing at his phone. 

"So remind me other than watching girls in leotards, what are we doing here?" Haru asked.

"Aang thought that it would be cool to come here," Zuko said, glaring at Aang. Aang shrugged his shoulders. 

The show began and Katara still hadn't come. The watched some girls, they were especially impressed with this one gymnast. Onji Wang. 

"She's really good." Haru whispered to Aang. Aang nodded his head in agreement. When Onji ended. A speaker said.

"And next on floor is...... KATARA WAVES!" 

The crowd went wild. As a very pretty blue eyed gymnast in a blue leotard   stepped on the floor. The Gaang gasped.

"Isn't that your girlfriend?" Haru asked.

Aangs back straightened as he said. "She isn't supposed to be there."   

The music started, and so did Katara. She started with simple moves but nearing the middle of the routine she did a full twist. (A/N Incase you don't know what that is,A full twisting layout, also called a full twist or a full, is a gymnastics move. The layout requires an extended body while flipping upside down; while the full-twist requires a 360-degree rotation, Because it combines flipping and twisting simultaneously, it is an advanced move.)  The entire crown gasped as she landed it and did a back flip. Aang gasped and covered his mouth. 

"She is REALLY good, better then that Onj girl." Haru whispered. Aang was to frightened and shocked to agree. 

When she ended the routine she ran to her team. A score came out on that score board. 

"Wow, that is the highest score ever scored on a flour routine in this level!" The speaker  announced. Katara and her team were jumping up in excitement.  

When that competition ended Katara go first place. She ran to the locked rooms to change into her normal outfit. The Gaang ran to the lobby to meet her. Haru had to go but told them to congratulate Katara for him.   Aang ran when he saw Katara. He wrapped her in a hug and peppered her with questions. 

When they got to Aangs house Katara started from the very beginning. 

"I have been doing gymnastics since I was five, Mom signed me up and told to keep it a secret. When I stopped going to the privet school I got excepted into a gymnastics team. Yesterday I got a phone call about a girl I was replacing. So I had to rush over to practice." She said. 

 Aang and the rest of the Gaang sat shocked. 

"Oh don't look so shocked." Katara said annoyed. "Anyway, I got to run. I have a victory party to get to." 

She kissed Aang on the cheek and ran out the door. All Aang could do for a while was stare into space.



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