Chapter 10 : Opposites Attract

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The splitting headaches I get from being in a post-crash state suck some serious ass.

My head was pounding, so much that I had to open my eyes to convince myself this wasn't some kind of made-up torture bullshit my mind was pulling on me. Nope, it was still very much my putrid existence, opening my eyes only convinced me so.

I groaned and whined, aching absolutely all over. Slowly bringing my blurry and hazed vision into focus, I found myself in a familiar position. Partially bandaged up, laid on a soft couch, weighted blanket draped over my disheveled body. It was Shigaraki's room again.

This time the lights were completely off, and checking the digital clock on his desktop I was able to tell that I had only been passed out until the next night. Not nearly as long as three days like my last crash, but I probably forced it because I had to lay there a little longer to put my first thought together properly.

Like hell I was gonna stay there though, no I'm getting the fuck out. And this time I'm not getting caught.

I had to get up slowly because my chest still felt tight and my aching hadn't gone down. Maybe on my way out I can snatch some kind of painkillers to help with the pain but right now that wasn't any kind of top priority of mine. Slowly getting up I stumbled and caught myself on the edge of the desk where Shigaraki's desktop was. He left his main monitor on so I was able to access whatever was on it.

And as fun as it would've been to snoop around to see what's on there, chances were I didn't have a lot of time. I had to be quick before anybody walked in.

Opening different files and apps, I found the notepad application on the lesser monitor to begin typing away. Usually I'd have to be in a clearer and more stable mindset than I was to code correctly or make anything stable enough for manifestation, but with the resources on Shiggy's computer, I could find one or two things to work with. Making a whole manifestation codeline is much harder than a storage codeline because it requires a lot of trial and error to get it right and I didn't have that kind of time. And oh boy my disheveled mindset didn't help either.

I had to control my intrusive thoughts about Tomura so I could focus, but that just kept getting harder and harder the more I typed and retyped this prototype. I've used this manifestation before, I just had to retype it and hope for the best. All my tech equipment is back in my room and so far the only thing on my person was the bandages around my chest, my skin-tight leggings, undergarments and the other patches on my wounds. My computer, tablet, watch, phone, mask, other gear, no time to grab it. I didn't have my notes, only my memory. Which thanks to training, actually proved useful for once.

But eventually, I managed to finish the codeline I needed. I called it code "phantom", but right now, it's better known as code "vanish".

It's a manifested cloaking device that functions on the ground of a type of camouflage. I plant the device on my person, it locks on, and soon enough I'm invisible to the naked eye. It's some genius technology, but it only lasts 5 minutes tops. Which just reminded me that I didn't have enough time for tests, I had to do this one shot.

Once the codeline had been typed out, I attempted activating my quirk. And believe or not the damn thing worked. I brought out this tiny computer chip looking device that once I planted on my person, I'd vanish and be able to get out without being spotted or taken back in by Kurogiri.

As soon as I planted the vanishing gadget to my chest and I disappeared, somebody opened the door to the room and I panicked. I ducked for the nearest corner, controlling my breath and staying as still as possible. In the corner I was in and the trajectory of my body to the door, the light couldn't cast any shadow to give away my position. The light from the outside hall bled into the room, flooding it with a near blinding shine and I squinted my eyes shut to lessen the blindness.

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