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flowpan (flopin)

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Grougal whispered for the fiftieth time. 

Elely rolled her eyes, "Yes! This is the fiftieth time you asked!"

"You counted?"

I snorted, "I'll be surprised if she did."

Elely whacked my head. "Ow!" I rubbed it, glaring daggers at her.

"Guys!" Chibi stood between Elely and me before my vicious sister could do anymore harm to me, "We don't want to make so much noise! They might hear us!"

"Yeah, be quiet, Flopin!" Elely stuck out her tongue at me.

My hand grazed against my bow which was tied onto my hip. I may love my sister (but don't tell her I said that), but sometimes I felt like she deserved an arrow or two up her nose.

There was the sound of a door opening. I inhaled sharply and whisper shouted and my comrades, "Quickly! Hide!"

But we weren't quick enough, and soon, Yugo was standing in front of us, "What do you think you're doing?"

"We, uh," Elely smiled sheepishly, "needed to go to the toilet?" It sounded more like a question than a statement.

Yugo's eyebrow went skyward, "All of you?"

"Nevermind," Elely looked at her toes.

Yugo sighed, "Has anyone ever told you that you're a really bad liar, Elely?"

Elely didn't answer. I concluded that she was upset because we were in trouble, and her dreams of forming our own Brotherhood were probably going to be squashed by Yugo's sandals. 

"You know," Yugo continued, "I heard you guys talking outside earlier."

We looked at each other, surprised and ashamed at the same time.

I sighed, "I suppose you're going to take us to Mama and Papa now."

"And Alibert," Chibi added. He looked the most ashamed. This was probably his first time doing something bad, or getting caught doing something bad.

Yugo looked at me weirdly, "Who said I was going to do that?"

Elely's eyes brightened and she bounced around, "So you are going to let us form our own Brotherhood and go around the world looking for the Eliacube and the Dofus?"

"Yell any louder and the rest of Emelka will hear us!" I snapped at my little sister, impatient.

Once she calmed down, Yugo nodded, "Yeah. It's not like the Brotherhood is going to do adventuring any time soon. Eva and Dally got their hands full with Pin, Ruel's... out, Adamai and I are helping Alibert around the house. And I'm sure Amalia, er, has her hands full with... ruling... and stuff... and queen princess things." his voice faltered at the last sentence and his face flushed.

Chibi made a portal which appeared next to Yugo. He stuck his elbow in and elbowed Yugo in the ribs.

"Ow!" Yugo jumped away from Chibi's elbow, "Why'd you do that?"

"Chibi's got a point," Elely began.

"Chibi didn't say anything!" Yugo protested.

"You really should visit Amalia sometime," Elely continued, "or at least write her a letter."

Yugo spluttered, "I don't- have? Time? And I already write her letters?"

Grougal snorted, "As if we don't know you end up scrunching them up and discarding them onto the floor."

Yugo turned redder, "How do you know that?"

"Adamai told me."

Yugo's right eye twitched, "Anyway. We're going off topic here. I don't need your 'tips' to help 'improve' my lo-, er, life. So the reason why I've stopped you was because I wanted to give you this."

He handed me a small hexagonal object. I studied it and realized that there was a small button at the bottom. I clicked it, and the object projected a hologram of a woman with white hair. She wore a teal dress and a hat much like Yugo's and Chibi's.

"That's Mina," Yugo nodded at the lady, "or at least, her consciousness. The real Mina is still in her Dofus. Anyway, before the Eliatropes died out, she projected all her knowledge in there. Balthazar gave it to me before I left the Eliatrope children's dimension. Since you're going after the Dofus and the Eliacube, I think this will come in handy. She will tell you everything Mina knew about the Eliatropes and the Eliacube."

I clicked the button again and the lady disappeared. I slipped the object in my pocket and thanked Yugo.

"Good luck," Yugo nodded, "and stay safe." Then, he walked back into his room. It wasn't long after the sound of soft snoring drifted from his room."

"Well," I turned to Elely, Chibi, and Grougal, "let's go."

And go we did do.

A/N: not sure if that last sentence made sense but shrug.

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