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cheebee (chibi)

Fear washed over me, overwhelming me. My head started to spin, and I could hear my heart start to beat faster and faster, as if it wanted to jump out of my ribcage.

The priestess stood over me. My eyes met her's once again, and then my vision started to blacken.

Suddenly, I wasn't on the floor of the City anymore. I was nowhere. Everything was black. There were no doors, walls, or ceilings. I looked down and realized there was no floor either, but I was somehow standing on something. I was alone. Alone, alone, alone.

Then, a shape materialized in front of me. I whirled around and saw my dragon brother, Grougal.

"Grougal!" I sobbed in relief, "I thought I've lost you!"

"Thanks to you," he growled, his white eyes narrowing, "you were the lookout. You couldn't even sense your brother was gone!"

I stumbled back as if I got a hit in the stomach, "I-I'm sorry, Grougal. I... I didn't know you felt that way."

Grougal snorted as if he couldn't believe what I was saying, "Sorry doesn't cut it. And I'm sorry, too. Sorry that you left your teammates in the mercy of the priestess." 

On cue, Flopin and Elely materialized next to Grougal, their heads facing the ground, their eyes blazing with fury.

Flopin stepped forward, fists clenched, "You let them get to my sister. Then, you let them get to me. What kind of leader are you when you can't even look after yourself, let alone your teammates? Wait, scratch that. Who died and made you leader, anyway, you worthless piece of junk?"

I didn't mean to, but my eyes started to water. I clutched my stomach and felt sick, "I wasn't trying to be leader! I j-just thought-"

Elely snorted, "'You thought', but it was obviously not enough. It's your fault. All your fault!"

They pointed at me and I felt smaller. I looked around and saw five other people joined the crowd. I recognized them, but barely. They were strangers with familiar faces.

"He doesn't even recognize us," one of them whispered as if they read my mind. The voice echoed across the walless walls, the roomless room. 

"After all we've been through," another said hollowly, "after everything we were."

I doubled over in pain as if someone punched me between my eyes. I saw flashes of scenes, scenes that were memories, memories that belonged to someone else, but at the same time was me. 

"T-the Eliatropes," I managed to choke out.

"He remembers us, but not quite," another observed.

"Not quite," another echoed.

"Not quite," everyone echoed. They raised their hands and pointed to me, just as Elely, Flopin, and Grougal had done.

"Betrayal," they whispered, now as one, "liar. Villain. Unforgiven. Guilty. Your fault. Your fault. Your fault."

I fell down in pain and screamed. 

My fault, my fault, my fault, a voice in my head chanted, my fault, my fault, my fault. 

"Th-this isn't real," I choked. 

Real, real, real, the voice repeated, real. 

"No, no, no, no," I gasped as tears fell down uncontrollably, like a waterfall. I tried to crawl away but cold hands pushed me back to the center. They were pointing. Pointing at me. My fault, my fault, all my fault. They were cold, cold, so, so cold.

Cold, cold, cold.

The feelings were overwhelming. I kept having flashes of memories, in my current life and in my old one.

The crowning of King Yugo.

The fleeing into the Krosmos. 

The death of the Prophet King and his dragon twin.

The birth of me.

The forming of our brotherhood.

The feeling when I was in the City, alone, all alone.

Alone, alone, alone. Cold and alone.

I sobbed and grasped at something that wasn't there. I wanted this to stop. Just stop. Stop, stop, stop.

Alone, alone, alone, the voice said again.

I screamed again and sobbing, I pleaded to someone who wasn't there, "Make it stop. Please, make it stop. I-I give in. Please. Please."

For a while, nothing happened. 

Then, everyone faded, leaving me alone. All alone.

Alone, alone, alone. 

the legacies (a wakfu fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon