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ahmahlea (amalia)

"Stop fretting, Amalia," Armand snapped.

"Shush, Armand," I snapped, "they're not your friends. Now leave me be, I have to prepare."

Armand huffed, "I don't understand why you're in such a rush. They're just your friends."

I glared at him, "Well you don't understand, you don't have friends."

He spluttered angrily as I closed the door on him.

I sighed, opening my wardrobe. What should I wear? A dress? Pants and a shirt? Pajamas? The clothes she was wearing at the moment?

I decided to dress into the clothes she wore on their last adventure. I combed my hair and tied it into a high ponytail. 

My hands were shaking. Why were they shaking? Yeah, I admit - it has been a long time since I've last saw the Brotherhood. But why was I getting so emotional?

Deep down, I already knew the answer. There was one member of the Brotherhood that I was excited and nervous to see. The member that I missed the most. The member that never wrote letters to me.


I stared at the picture of the Brotherhood on the wall. My eyes lingered on Yugo's face. He was smiling hard while I was in the middle of arguing with Ruel. 

Tears welled in my eyes as I remembered what he had said on the Enutrof level in Oropo's Tower of Dreams.

I'm not sure what I feel is love.

Sure, that was long ago. We kind of made up in the end. But afterwards, he never visited, or even wrote letters to me. I was too busy as well, and I'm not even sure he wants to hear from me. He was probably only coming because the situation included the Eliacube and Eliatrope Dofus. 

I choked back a sob. The way I acted with Oropo was unforgivable. Especially now, since Yugo's more grown up. I wanted so badly to apologize, but I didn't know when to start. Would he have even cared if he found out I overheard his conversation with Ruel?

Suddenly, I heard a commotion downstairs. Black smoke billowed up into my room and coughed, waving my hand in front of my face, already knowing where it came from.

I rushed down the stairs, coughing along the way. I burst open the doors leading out towards the front of the palace. In front stood a few coughing Sadida guards and a drilling machine with a blue feather painted across the side. 

The door of the machine opened and Yugo stepped out.

"Yugo!" I cried, pulling him into an embrace.

"Hey, Amalia," he smiled, but there was hesitation in his eyes. I was immediately worried, but I tried to hide it and focused on the others.

"Eva, Dally, Adamai!" I cried, hugging them as well, "And Ruel! Let's settle for a handshake, shall we?"

Ruel pretended to look offended but he was smiling with his eyes. We shook hands vigorously. 

I looked at Pin, "You've grown since I last met you!"

He grinned at me, most of his teeth missing.

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