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elly (elely)

"Can these things go any faster?" I complained.

We were running across the desert atop Dragoturkeys.

"Stop complaining, Elely!" Flopin yelled back.

I stuck out my tongue at him. He made a face back at me.

"Stop it," Chibi called.

I grumbled under my breath. Yeah, I guess the heat was making me grouchy. I mean, what did I expect? The desert was called the 'Burning Desert' anyway.

After a while, I spotted an oasis. "We can land over there!" I cried.

As we stopped. The Dragoturkeys literally collapsed, sending all four of us skidding across the floor.

"Ow," Fopin rubbed his grazed knee.

"Stop complaining, Flopin," I mimicked his voice.

"I just said 'ow'!" Flopin protested, "and that sounds nothing like me!"

"It does!"

"Does not!"


"Does not!"

"Cut it out!" Grougal growled, "You guys are so immature!"

I sniffed, "Says the dragon younger than me."

"Technically," Chibi pointed out, "Both Grougal and I are older than Flopin and you, Elely."

"Whatever!" I snapped.

"C'mon," Flopin sighed, "let's stop arguing and get some rest. We're going to be traveling the desert non-stop. We have about two hours to get to the City. The sun's already setting."

"Then why is it still so hot," I refilled my canteen.

"I mean," Chibi shrugged, "it is called the Burning Desert for a reason."

After everyone rested in the shade and drank some water, we clambered back onto our Dragoturkeys and ran off once again.

A while later, it started to get cooler.

"It's getting cooler," Grougal observed.

(i just remembered that grougal can fly. idk why he has his own dragoturkey.)

"That's also a sign that we have to fly faster," Flopin said. He urged his Dragoturkey to run faster. His Dragoturkey looked like it was half dead already.

I squinted and saw a black shape up ahead. I pointed, "Is that the City?"

"I hope so!" Flopin replied, "look at the moon!"

I looked up and saw the moon. The light was dim but it was full.

"Quickly!" Grougal cried. He lashed the reins of his Dragoturkey. Everyone did the same. 

We reached the entrance in a few minutes, but it felt like hours. The moon was already high in the sky.

I fumbled and took out my blindfold, "C'mon, we have to be quick."

Flopin nodded, putting the blindfold over his eyes, "The mission is to get in and out with the Dofus. Make sure we come out before sunrise."

"And make sure we don't get stuck in the City for eternity," Grougal said.

"I'm not thinking about that," Chibi took out a long piece of string and started to tie one end on his waist. I passed the string to me, "I'll lead because I can see with my Wakfu vision. Grougal can take up the rear."

"Unfair," Grougal muttered, "I'll probably be the first person to go mission."

"Not thinking about that," Flopin reminded him, taking the string as I handed it to him.

After a while, Chibi asked everyone, "Blindfolds on?"

"Yep," came three replies.

"String attached?"


"Then let's go."

And then we plunged into the cursed city, in the dark, together.

the legacies (a wakfu fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now