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yougo (yugo)

I stared out of the window of Ruel's drilling machine thing.

We were riding his machine to the Sadida Kingdom because nobody wanted to walk to the nearest Zaap portal.

Every minute, my heart started to pound faster and faster. I was filled with millions of emotions, confusing emotions - I didn't know to feel happy, sad, nervous, angry...

The rest of the Brotherhood seemed to know to keep their distance. They gave me food and water when I asked for it, and I answered their questions when they asked if I was okay.

The answer was always 'yes', even though that was a lie.

I remember what Amalia said to me in the Tower of Dreams. 

'I don't need you', that sentence kept ringing everywhere in my head everytime I thought of her.

I balled my fists. After everything we've been through - all the hardships, pain, experiences... she still chose Oropo, a person, a villain she met for a few seconds, over me. 

The person who was there when she was sad.

The person who was there when she was angry.

The person who saved the Sadida Kingdom.

The person who she loved first.

The person who loved her back.

The person...

I felt tears stream down my face and I wiped them away, trying to ignore them. After all these months, and I still felt emotional about it.

I was angry at her. She hadn't even said sorry. She hadn't had the slightest idea about what I was going through - the fact that I have the body of a twelve-year-old, the fact that I'll still be here when they died centuries before, the fact that when I do die, I'll forget about everything that happened.

Yet she still made our complicated relationship about her.

But... I couldn't make myself hate her. I wanted so badly to see her again, instead of through the pictures I draw of her in my journal. I always wanted to write letters, no matter if she read them, threw them away, or ignored them.

I couldn't bring myself to do anything.

"Yugo," a voice said softly from the door, "it's almost nightfall. You should get some - woah."

As soon as the voice spoke my name, I turned and realized that he was Dally. He was staring at me.

"Have you been crying, Yugo?" Dally grinned then thought better of it.

"No," I lied, but I knew that he wasn't convinced, "just some dust in my eye."

Dally snorted in disbelief, "Yeah right, Yugo." He walked over and sat next to me, "You can always tell me what's wrong, you know."

I sighed. I really didn't want to talk. But... Dally seemed sincere, like he was dying to know what I was troubled about, so much that he could literally die if I couldn't tell him. If he did, he'll be fine. He already died once, anyway.

I shook my head and laughed a bitter laugh, "It's Amalia." 

Those two words explained it all.

Dally glanced sideways at me, "What? Explain a bit more, please."

Well, apparently not.

I squeezed my eyes shut and balled my fists again, "The fact that she chose Oropo over me is just... infuriating. I don't know why she couldn't see the evil in him, and... And after that, she didn't even apologize! And when I told her that we would never work, she made it about herself, without even trying to fathom what I was going through! I'm immortal, Dally! Once all my friends die, I'll be alone in this world... apart from Adamai, I guess. And when I do die, I'll forget it all! I don't want to forget, Dally, I don't want to forget everything that we've ever been through."

Dally opened his mouth to say something, but I interrupted him.

"I don't want to forget the time when we first met, when you destroyed the inn. I don't want to forget when we first formed the Brotherhood. I don't want to forget the feeling when I found out that my best friend was alive. I don't want to forget everything we've faced, together." I already felt tears stinging my eyes, "But I also can't bring myself to hate her. It hurts every second not to be around her and when I have the chance to talk to her, I get nervous and feel like I want to throw up, and I can't be myself around her."

I finally stopped. Dally was quiet. I didn't take that as a good sign.

I looked guiltily at Dally and said, "Sorry, Dally. I didn't mean to-"

Dally interrupted me. He raised his head and looked at the wall in front, where a picture of the Brotherhood hung. His eyes lingered on Eva, "When I first met Eva, I expected her to be a damsel in distress, like in the stories. I was the knight and she was my princess. But I was wrong, because she knew how to take care of herself and she didn't need nor want my protection. I refused to believe that she was a warrior. I don't know why. And we had many arguments and I had the feeling that she didn't like me as much as I liked her. So I... let it go."

I laughed dryly, "You? Letting things go?"

Dally looked at me and grinned, "I know right? Bizarre. Anyway, I started being myself. I didn't feel the need to impress Eva or anything, anymore. And then, she fell for me. The real me, not the desperate, lonely Iop knight I was."

Rubilax laughed, suddenly, "'Was'."

"Shut up, Rubi," Dally poked his Shushu's eye.

"So," I said slowly, "I should just let go of these... feelings and be myself?"

"Basically, yeah," Dally hummed.

If only letting go was that easy, my mind muttered bitterly.

"Thanks, Dally," I said anyway, "and you're right. I'll get some sleep."

Dally grinned again and patted me on the back, "Great to be of service! I'll leave you now."

I headed to my bed and covered myself with my blanket, careful not to wake Adamai. 

But I couldn't get any sleep.

a/n: yumalia :D

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