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cheebee (chibi)

I hate Wakfu vision. It makes everything seem spookier than Adamai smiling.

The City was probably relatively scary in daylight. There were abandoned buildings looming over our heads which were overgrown with vines. Ominous cracks snaked across the floor as if it would collapse any minute. The full moon glowed overhead casting an eerie light across the whole city. Of course, everything was blue and black, which did not help.

Flopin made a gagging noise, "Grougal, what did you step on? It's wet. And you stepped on me."

"Crybaby," Elely muttered.

Grougal didn't say anything. It wasn't like him to do so, though. I turned my head sharply, hoping what I was suspecting wasn't true. My heart thumped in my ribcage, faster and faster, as I realized there were only two more people behind me.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my head. I fell to my knees gasping as my hand sunk into the damp ground, "Grougal!"

The pain I felt wasn't from me.

It was from my dragon brother.

He was gone.

"Chibi?" Flopin called out, "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine," I managed to gasp out, frozen from shock.

No, no, I thought to myself, Grougal has to be okay. He has to!

Grougal? I called out in my mind, hoping for a response.


"That's it," Elely announced, "I'm taking off my blindfold. I can't fight an invisible enemy."

"Sto-stop!" I cried, grabbing her ankle, "D-don't!"

But Elely was as hard-headed as her father. She took off her blindfold and blinked, looking around, "I don't see no problem."

Then, her face went slack. She fell to her knees as well, next to me.

"Elely!" Flopin surged forward, sensing something was wrong.

"N-no," Elely whispered, staring at something that wasn't there, "I-I have to go." She started to untie the string that was around her waist.

"Don't! Elely, stop!" I fumbled, trying to stop her. But she was gone in a matter of seconds.

"What's wrong?" Flopin fretted, "What happened to her?"

"S-she," I could feel tears seeping into his blindfold, "She's gone. She left."

It wasn't long before Flopin was on his knees too. His hands shook. He lifted his head to the sky and screamed, a long and agonizing scream.

"We shouldn't have come here," his voice shook, quiet and cold, "now they're gone. And it's my fault!"

I tried to comfort him in a hug, but the Cra pulled away, "I have to go. And reflect on my... my actions. Goodbye, Chibi. I hope you find the Dofus."

And he was gone. 

He left me alone.

I couldn't bear it. I started to sob. My blindfolds were damp and fat tears were streaming down my face and splattered onto the ground. I couldn't do this. Not alone.

My hands shook as I reached my blindfold. I ripped it off and threw it as far as I could, which wasn't far. It fell a few feet away from me with a satisfying splat.

I switched off my Wakfu vision and closed my eyes. I lay down on the ground and curled up into a ball in defeat. Flopin was gone. Elely was gone. Grougal was gone.

And when I went back to Emelka, or wherever the Brotherhood was, I would have to take the blame. 

I imagined Alibert's disapproving face looking down at me. I could see Yugo and Adamai turning their backs to me. I could feel Eva's pain as she realized that two out of three of her kids were gone, lost in the ruins of the City. 

"Who said you were going back to Emelka?" A ghostly voice whispered in the back of my mind.

I lifted my head to see a tall woman in robes. She wore a hat over her face. She tilted her head high enough for me to meet her eyes. Her icy, cold, blue eyes.

The priestess.

She found me.

I was lost, too.


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