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yougo (yugo)

"You let them what?!" Eva yelled at me.

I winced at Eva's tone, "I let them... form their own brotherhood."

Eva breathed in and out loudly, then proceeded to continue glare at me, "Why would you do that?!"

"I-," I shied away from Eva and glanced sheepishly around the room. Eva's face was a mask of pure fury. Alibert's right eye was twitching. Dally and Pin stared at me in awe. Adamai was half asleep.

"You would do that, Yugo?" Dally cried, "I never knew you would let them on a dangerous quest! You're such a bada-"

"Language," Rubilax interrupted.

"What's a 'bada', Papa?" Pin looked up at his dad.

"It's better if you don't know," I told him.

Pin harumphed.

"Do we even know where they went?!" Eva was saying. She looked at Dally, Pin, and Yugo, and narrowed her eyes, "Were you even listening?"

"Uh, yep," I ruffled Pin's hair and turned to Eva, "answering your question, kinda. We- I, know what they're doing but not where exactly they are in the World of Twelve."

"And they're doing what exactly?" Her tone wasn't any softer.

"Uhh," I rubbed his neck sheepishly, "they went to find the Eliatrope dofus and the Eliacube."

Adamai woke up when Yugo said 'Eliatrope', "They what now?"

Eva laughed without humour, "Everytime I think it couldn't possibly be worse, it does."

"It's a good idea," Dally offered, while Pin was saying, "Whats a 'doofoos'?"

"Dofus," Adamai corrected Pin.

"That's what I said," Pin said crossly, "Doofoos."

"Ugh," Adamai sighed.

"What?!" Eva cried, turning to Dally.

Dally shrugged, unscathed by his wife's tone, "I mean, we've all been busy with our individual problems and didn't really have time to think about the rest of the world. What really happened to the Eliatrope dofus and Eliacube anyway? Are they in the hands of the bad guys? All Chibi, Grougal, Elely, and Flopin have done was remind us on what the Brotherhood used to be. I say we help them. I say we get the old gang together and help the legacy of the Brotherhood!"

"I'll contact Ruel," Alibert sighed, "tell him that you're going to the Kingdom of Sadida."

"Wait, we are?!" I blurted out, then immediately added, "uh, yeah, of course we are. Heh."

For the first time in a few minutes, Eva smirked at him and addressed the others, "You guys get ready, gather supplies. Yuyu and I are going to have a talk."

I gulped, "Please don't call me Yuyu."

"Let's go, pipsqueak."

"Don't call me-"

Eva patted his head as she walked by, making Yugo feel irritated. He turned to the others, "See you."

"If you come out alive," Adamai added.

"Please don't remind me," I sighed and followed Eva.

They reached the balcony of the house. 

"Well," Eva said, as if they had never left the room, "Are you ready to face what we're going to face?"

I laughed dryly, "I don't even know what we're going to face. But yeah, I guess."

Eva smirked once more, "Then are you ready to face Amalia?"

I could feel his face flushing. I was pretty sure I was redder than the tomatoes they sold in the markets, "Uh... I- what? I... I- don't...? W-what?"

Eva barked a laugh so loud it startled the nearby tofus in the trees, "Everyone's noticed how you acted, Yugo. You act so depressed and glum it's like you're going through a pre-midlife crisis. You never write letters to Amalia because they always end up in the trash can. Your journal is filled with drawings of Amalia. And on top of all that, you blush everytime 'Amalia' comes up."

I flushed, "No I don't."

Eva sighed, "At this point, you're worse at lying than Elely is."

"Am not," I huffed. 

"C'mon Yugo," Eva chided, "you'll be fine."

I snorted in disbelief, "I can hardly write letters to her, Eva, letters! The fact that I can't age as quickly isn't the only problem - I'll have a nervous breakdown if I even see her and she-... Wait why am I even telling you this?"

Eva smiled down at him, "You'll be fine Yugo."

"You said that twice now."

"Let's go, Yugo," Eva patted his head once again.

I followed her, "Don't do that again."

"Can't stop me."

a/n: yumalia otp :D

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