Chapter 11

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"What do you want?"

"I want to see my daughter"

"Keith go to hell she hasn't seen or heard from you in years and now all of a sudden you give a fuck?"


"What! Why do you want to see her all of a sudden?"

"Because I miss her"

"Sounds like bullshit"

"It's not, look let me talk to her and let her choose whether or not she wants to see me"

"... Fine"

"Where is she?"

"Upstairs doing her homework, let me go get her" he sighed through the phone and Christina walked upstairs to get Amber, the two of them came back downstairs and Christina picked up her phone. "Okay, someone is on the phone for you"


"Your father"

"... Who?"

"Your fath-"

"I don't want to talk to him"

"Are you sure because he's been calling for a few days"

"I don't care, what does he want?"

"I don't know, I think he would just like to speak to you" she thought about it for a second and then held out her hand. Christina gave her the phone and Amber took it before hanging up and handing it back.

"I don't want to talk to him"

"Okay" she smiled letting her niece walk back up the stairs.

"Well that went well" Rosa said as she bit into her sandwich.

"I think so"

"Because you didn't want her to talk to him in the first place"

"It's weird though, he didn't think to call her any other time what's so different about now?"

"Maybe he found out about the pregnancy"

"So what now he feels bad?"


"It seems a little too suspect, he has to want something"

"It's not like she has any money, well except yours but she doesn't get that until you die"

"So what else could he want?"

"I don't know"

"I'll figure it out and when I do I'll kill him" Rosa wiped her mouth and walked towards her girlfriend, she wrapped her arms around her waist and kissed her cheek.

"No, no were not going to commit murder, we'll just cut him off at the knees"


"Good, now are you staying the night in fort worth?"

"Yes, just so she can spend time with Tiffany and Lucas and her aunt and uncle, I know she misses them"

"Naya is excited"

"Good, I think they'll get along especially her and Tiff"

"Yeah, well y'all have fun. Make sure you tell the family I said hi"

"Okay I will"

"I have to go see Emmanuel, he's been wanting to talk to me" Christina picked up the pile of mail and started shifting through it.

"Okay, tell him I said hello"

"I will, whenever you get back we can all go to lunch. I want him to meet Amber"

Blame On Me || Amber Riley and Lucas Coly Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant