Chapter 7

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Amber sat on the bleachers with 12 other girls who wanted to try out for the basketball team, she was nervous most of the girls looked like they could play her in her sleep. Her phone vibrated with a message, she looked at it and it was Naya.

My Bitch😜- why do you look so nervous?
Me- cause I am
My Bitch😜-why?
Me- idk ion think I want to do this
My Bitch😜- you better not get up, don't worry about them other girls they prob suck anyway

"Alright girls listen up I am the girls basketball Coach Shaw and this is the assistant Coach Taylor, this is basketball season and we are short some girls so we are recruiting. This is the one and only time we'll do try outs so please be ready and know your stuff. If your good we'll take you, if your okay but we can make you better, we'll also take you but if your just plain bad we don't want you" she grabbed a clipboard off the table.

"We just want to see some basic skills,"

Coach Taylor gave out three basketballs and went by groups of threes, he asked them to show their dribbling stance, then lay ups, they had to cross up the other players, and etc.. Amber and her group was the last to go and she tried to mimic her bestfriend as best she could when he was teaching her how to play, he even told her he think she was better than the girls that played on the girls basketball team. After tryouts Coach Shaw was ready to pick the new girls for her team.

"When I call your name step forward. Hannah, Britney, Shauna, Georgia and Kris" they stepped forward.

"You five did not make it I am sincerely sorry, you just didn't pass the skills test" the five girls left the practice gym to head to their first class.

"The rest of you are on the team, practice is at 3:45 and lasts until 5:30 we need all of you here especially you three " she pointed to three other girls.

"This practice will let me know where exactly you all need help at and how much practicing we need, thank you all for trying out, now get to class" Naya rushed towards Amber and wrapped her arm around her shoulder.

"Omg girl, you was good"

"I guess so"

"You had to be she kept you, are you excited?"

"About what?"

"To be on the basketball team, y'all better win your first game too"

"Don't they already have a pretty good streak going"

"Yes, but the seniors that graduated last year were the reason for that, we are trying to hope and pray we can keep it up"

"I hope I'm good enough"

"Stop thinking that your not, you will be"


"No problem, walk me to class?"

"We have the same class" Naya gave her a bored look. "Sure Naya" Amber rolled her eyes as they headed to Trigonometry class. When they walked in everyone looked at them and their teacher Ms Harrington frowned.

"Miss Riley, Miss Rivera, why are you late?"

"We had basketball tryouts" Naya answered

"I'll ask Coach Shaw about that"


"I guess you two can be in this group of two, all of the other groups have four in them. You will work on your own worksheet but answer the problems together and turn them in at the end of the class period."

Blame On Me || Amber Riley and Lucas Coly Where stories live. Discover now